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by Silviu “Silview” Costinescu_

Need an experienced Romanian journalist to guide you through the local specifics of the Biden – Romania connection? It’s your lucky day: suffice to say that, as a mainstream news journalist, I shook hands with all Romanian presidents since the 1989 coup against Ceausescu.


Ukraine are two separate nodes in geopolitics. Ukraine is a historical Motherland for the Khazarian Jewish mafia, while Romania is both a treasure island for its resources and a historical confluence point for many cultures, tribes and interests. They have a lot to share, and usually anyone who dominates the market in one tries to expand next to the other, NATO and Obama paved the way too. But Romania is perceived as “a Latin island in a Slavic sea”.
The neighboring Russia formed when the Russ tribes took control over the Moscow area from the Khazars, not long after many of them converted to Judaism, but most Khazars never left that land and the two populations learned to co-exist.

Joe Biden has been very active in Romania since the Obama presidency.

Biden takes some time off in Bucharest

“Romania was by then a familiar place to the Biden family. A close friend and former staffer of Joe Biden, Mark Gitenstein, held the position of U.S. ambassador to Romania from August 2009 to December 2012. In March 2012, Hunter’s brother, Beau, was asked to do the ribbon-cutting at the new U.S. embassy in Bucharest.” –


According to Joe’s official statement from his 2014 visit in Romania, 2009 is also the year when he first made contact with the future chief of the local Anti-Corruption National Department (locally known as DNA), Laura Kovesi, back then just an ambitious prosecutor, now EU’s Prosecutor in Chief.

Laura, thank you for the introduction, but more importantly, thank you for your continuing involvement.  As I — the first time our paths crossed was five years ago, as you said, and look at you now, pursuing an advanced degree, an advocate for international education.  And you are a reflection of the progress your country has made and continues to make.

Joe Biden, May 2014

“Dear Laura…”

While leading DNA, with full support from US administration, Kovesi finished a process that started earlier: she decimated not only the local mafia, but basically any local capital that was strong enough to oppose foreign influence.
One of Kovesi’s strongest opponents was a shadowy coalition of local tycoons known as The Monaco Group, after their preferred meeting place. The group was, and still is, headed by business mogul Puiu Popoviciu. This guy is the son-in-law of one of the darkest figures in Romania’s communist history, Ion “Teleaga” Dinca, former Minister of Internal Affairs and Vice-Prime-Minister under Ceausescu. Thus, he was deeply in involved with the former oligarchy and the secret services structures tied to it.

Coincidence or not, 2009 is also the year Popoviciu was hit with the only successful attempt by Romanian government to arrest him, a corruption file that will send ripple effects across the whole world.

After the 1989’s anti-communist “revolution”, in fact just a standard “orange revolution” (read “coup”), Romania has been ran and developed mainly with the capital and the data accumulated by the secret services operatives, who went on forming the Deep State of the new free Romania. Whatever external force wanted to do business in Romania had to negotiate with them. That’s not the case anymore, they’ve been slowly decimated by the Washington – Tel Aviv axis, which fully controls the state now, even the local mafia who only maintains local influence in the territory, but without access to the central commands, they can’t do much.
Former prime-minister and socialist party leader Victor Ponta recalls in an interview that Kovesi had a direct phone link to Gitenstein, summoning the US administration’s help whenever she needed, as if the US Embassy was Aladin’s Lamp. And she used it to book the former socialist prime-minister Dragnea. Ponta said on video that Kovesi almost cancelled his official trip to US because he was supporting Dragnea. He eventually got to Washington, met Biden who told him “An independent Justice in Romania is very important for American companies”. Funnily, Popoviciu represents in Romania a host of top US companies, as shown further below. And Dragnea is now “prisoner to a circle of interests that roots in Israel, London and Washington”, according to his fromer colleague Ponta.

Vice President Biden visited Romania in 2014 and delivered a forceful speech against graft. “Corruption is a cancer, a cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy,” he said. “Corruption is just another form of tyranny.”

NY Times


2016 found Popoviciu desperately trying to escape a 9-year jail sentence for corruption, after the 2009 prosecution file we mentioned earlier came to fruition, the tycoon being convicted for scheming a public university and obtaining a bunch of valuable land for peanuts. Popoviciu launched an appeal. He assembled a high profile legal team to fight the conviction, which included former FBI director Louis Freeh, according to a release from Freeh’s firm.
“We viewed Freeh as a guy who was wholly incompetent but who held on to power by making himself useful to the press and Republicans on the Hill,” says one Clinton White House aide. “He was a political opportunist who played Clinton, and he’s managed to escape the judgment of history for his mismanagement of the FBI.”

“In the final year of the Obama administration, an American lawyer traveled to Romania to meet with a businessman accused of orchestrating a corrupt land deal.
The businessman was Gabriel “Puiu” Popoviciu, a wealthy Romanian real estate tycoon. The lawyer brought in to advise him was Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Hunter Biden’s work for Popoviciu in 2016 went unreported at the time, but Joe Biden’s involvement in Romania was very much public. The vice president was among the leading voices pushing the government to crack down on corruption.”
NBC, Oct 2019

At the time he was brought in, Hunter Biden was performing work for the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP where he was “of counsel.”
He was no registered lobbyst, he had no reputation as a lawyer, but a massive one as crackhead. He had no skills or talents that could benefit Popoviciu, besides his family name.

Mr Popoviciu’s hiring of well-connected Americans seemed to be an effort to leverage “the importance to the Romanian government of the US-Romanian bilateral” relationship “to influence and possibly overcome his political challenges in Romania,” said Heather Conley, who was a deputy assistant secretary of state in the bureau of European and Eurasian affairs from 2001 to 2005.

Ms Conley, who is director of the Europe program at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, warned that going to work in “environments where corruption is very prevalent, such as Romania, should be a blinking yellow light of caution reputationally for US firms and individuals.”

There’s a lot more to come out . . . Wait until we get to Romania

Rudy Giuliani in an appearance on Fox News

Here are a bunch of verified and accurate details NY Times revealed precisely one year ago, which both Biden and Trump are trying to sweep under the rugs:
<<In 2015, before his first trip to Romania, Hunter Biden met with the Romanian ambassador to the United States in the country’s embassy in Washington, according to two people familiar with the meeting. Mr. Biden stressed that he was undertaking the trip as a private citizen, and did not expressly mention Mr. Popoviciu, or his case, one of the people said.

At one point, Hunter Biden approached Mark Gitenstein, a former American ambassador to Romania during President Barack Obama’s first term, to discuss the possibility of referring the Popoviciu case to Mr. Freeh, according to someone familiar with the conversation.

Mr. Gitenstein, who had served as a Senate aide for the senior Mr. Biden and now sits on the board of the Biden Foundation, defended the work of the prosecutors who targeted Mr. Popoviciu.

“Both the vice president and I had total confidence in the anti-corruption prosecutors in Romania, and did everything in our power to support them, both during our time in office and after,” Mr. Gitenstein said.

Mr. Mesires acknowledged that Hunter Biden referred Mr. Popoviciu to both Boies Schiller Flexner, the law firm where Hunter Biden worked at the time, and Mr. Freeh’s firm, Freeh Group International Solutions.

Mr. Popoviciu hired both firms, according to four people familiar with the arrangements. Mr. Popoviciu could not be reached for comment.

Boies Schiller Flexner declined to comment.

Mr. Freeh’s firm started work for the Romanian businessman in July 2016, shortly after Mr. Popoviciu was initially convicted by a Romanian court.

Mr. Freeh conducted a review of the case with a team of retired prosecutors and F.B.I. agents. The team concluded there were “numerous factual and legal deficiencies in the case,” according to a statement summarizing the findings issued in 2017, after the Romanian high court upheld Mr. Popoviciu’s conviction and handed down a seven-year prison sentence. Mr. Freeh called for Romanian authorities to review the case, and reach “another result.”

That has not happened. Mr. Popoviciu was arrested in London shortly after the high court’s decision. He posted bail and is fighting extradition to Romania.

While Mr. Biden ended his work on the case at some point after recruiting Mr. Freeh, Mr. Freeh continued working for Mr. Popoviciu.

Last year, Mr. Freeh retained Mr. Giuliani, a longtime associate whose 2008 presidential campaign  Mr. Freeh supported, to help with his efforts in Romania.

In August 2018, while serving as Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer during the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s election interference, Mr. Giuliani wrote a letter to Romania’s president criticizing the country’s anti-corruption prosecutors and urging amnesty to those who had been convicted in the crackdown.

That could have included Mr. Popoviciu, though Mr. Giuliani did not explicitly mention him in the letter. Mr. Giuliani said the Freeh Group was paying his fee, but did not identify the Freeh Group client on whose behalf he wrote the letter. However, he told Politico at the time that it “was based on a report I reviewed” by Mr. Freeh.

In the letter, Mr. Giuliani expressed concern about the “continuing damage to the rule of law being done under the guise of effective law enforcement” in Romania.

Less than two months earlier, the American embassy in Bucharest, along with the embassies of 11 other countries, had issued a statement reaching the opposite conclusion. It highlighted Romania’s “considerable progress” in combating corruption and in building an effective rule of law.

The statement, which came at a time when contentious alterations to the criminal code were moving through the Romanian parliament, also called on all parties involved to “avoid changes that would weaken the rule of law or Romania’s ability to fight crime or corruption.” >>


Successor to Joe Biden, The US Secretary of State’s assistant for Europe and Eurasia, Wess Mitchell, praised Romanian government’s fight against corruption same week Biden attacked it for threatening Kovesi’s position. Mitchell basically told Romania to keep it up.

Mitchell was in a two-day visit to Romania and met president Klaus Iohannis. His visit came as the president was pressured into dismissing the chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi.

19 June 2018, Romania Insider:

“The progress Romania registered in combating corruption is impressive. We applaud it and urge you to continue, because this way you can eliminate the vulnerabilities that hostile powers can use to undermine the state from within,” Mitchell said in a speech at the Bucharest University’s Law Faculty.
He added that the anticorruption institutions are proof that Romanians are brave in defending the liberties they fought for in 1989.

The US official also referred to Romania’s offshore legislation, which should be passed by the Parliament in the next period, saying that this should encourage investments in the Black Sea. He added that, by becoming a gas exporter, Romania can support Europe’s energy security on the long term.

US group ExxonMobil is involved together with local group OMV Petrom in the biggest offshore gas project in the Romanian Black Sea. They are also the most hated company by the Rockefellers.

US Ambassador: We have full confidence in Romania’s Anticorruption Directorate


So in 2009, Romania was aligned with many structures, from NATO to EU, complied with its allies and seemed like a well trained horse to jockey for the Tel Aviv – Washington axis.
In fact, the local mafia was playing along but still held a lot of power, many connections in the East and Middle East, and a veto on anything. That was a liability for the new rulers.
Obama assigned the area between Central Europe to Caucasus to Biden, who sent his pal Gitenstein to manage Romania, and together they started this offensive against local capitals and mafia, just to pave the way for their own.
Together they groomed the future Chief Prosecutor Laura Kovesi, now a Trojan horse in the EU.
And in the process they met a hard-to-crack nut: The Monaco Group /Puiu Popoviciu. A member of the group, Elan Schwartzenberg, admitted in a 2018 interview on the local B1 TV that Kovesi, in alliance with the new president Iohannis, was by far overpowering them.
But they still had enough leverage to negotiate.

Popoviciu was not only backed by the former communist oligarchy, he IS also representing a host of US and International companies in Romania: Howard Johnson, Grand Plaza, Ramada Plaza și Ramada Parc, IKEA, Pizza Hut, KFC…

Popoviciu had the money to buy access to anyone and eventually his freedom. Which he did. He was released on bail, official sources told local tv station Stirileprotv.ro. The businessman has paid GBP 200,000, and has to wear an electronic bracelet.
He is now wondering around London with a tracking bracelet on his leg, but less restrictions than the average Romanian under lockdown. Down from nine years of jail in Romania, the initial sentence proposed by Kovesi’s team.

Both Biden and Giuliani are boasting about their anti-corruption fight on TV while feeding on money from people like Popoviciu.


On 23rd of August 2006, one of Popoviciu’s companies, Baneasa Investment, rented 40,000 square meters of land to the US Embassy in Bucharest, then ran by Nicholas Taubman. The embassy sealed the deal for 99 years at the price of $8million. It may seem a lot, but the annual price per square meter was just around $2, while the market price in that area was around $150.
The Romanian journalists who broke the story comment (video below, Romanian only for now): “At the time when this deal was closed, Popoviciu’s corruption case was clearly going against him already, and it’s more than likely this was his way to ensure some political protection from US. He has US citizenship and a long standing friendhsip with the embassy”.
At the end of the video, a liberal senator asks on Romania’s prime news channel Antena3: “The suspicions against Popoviciu where so well known and so grounded it’s imaginable how the US Embassy could cut such a striking deal with him”.
Here comes the best part:
This plot the US Embassy in Bucharest sat on is part of the land involved in Popoviciu’s corruption file. A few ears after the 2006 deal, Beau Biden goes to inaugurate the new Embassy there. Then Hunter Biden goes to defend Popoviciu against Laura Kovesi for stealing that land, basically. All while Joe Biden was grooming Popoviciu’s prosecutor and playing the anti-corruption guardian of the Universe on TV.
To add insult to injury, in 2018, Romanian courts orders that the land returns to state property.
The Bucharest Court of Appeal has ruled that 224 hectares of land in Bucharest’s Baneasa area, where some of Bucharest’s biggest retail projects and the U.S. Embassy are located, must return to the state. The decision is not final and can be challenged, according to Digi24.ro.

Romania Insider reports, in December 2018: “The land targeted by this sentence currently belongs to Romanian investor Gabriel Popoviciu, who was convicted to seven years in jail, in August 2017, for having illegally obtained it from the Bucharest Agronomy University in the early 2000s. The High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled at that time that Popoviciu must return the land to the state.

According to the anticorruption prosecutors, the Agronomy University gave the land to Baneasa Investments, a company jointly owned by Gabriel Popoviciu and the University, at a value of USD 1 per sqm while the real value was some EUR 150 per sqm.

Baneasa Investments used the land to develop one of the biggest real estate projects in Bucharest, including office buildings that host the headquarters of several multinationals, the Baneasa mall and the first IKEA store in Romania. The U.S. Embassy also built its new headquarters on a land plot provided by Popoviciu.

Gabriel Popoviciu, who fled to England just before the court ruled in his case, has managed to dodge incarceration and hired international law firms and consultants, including a former FBI director, to lobby for him and denounce alleged abuses by Romanian anticorruption authorities. A letter sent by former New York mayor and Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to Romanian president Klaus Iohannis earlier this year, proved to be a result of this lobby.

Two firms registered in Cyprus and believed to be controlled by Popoviciu also filed a complaint against the Romanian state at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington. They accused Romania of breaching the bilateral treaty for protecting investments signed with Cyprus and asked for compensations of “at least USD 200 million”, according to media reports.”

Former prime-minister of Romania Victor Ponta recalls in his afore-mentioned interview:
“In May 2014, Joe Biden came to Romania and gave a speech in which he said, among other things:
‘When politicians can be bought, when the courts can be manipulated, when the press becomes an instrument of propaganda, there you will find a society that can be manipulated from the outside, that loses control over its own destiny. Not only his political security, but also his physical security is compromised. We have seen in Ukraine how 15 years of corruption have undermined their system of military institutions and the country’s ability to defend itself. ‘

While Biden was saying all this, the American flag placed in honor of the high guest fell to the ground.”
The story is confirmed by TV reports we have from that time.


Fast forward to June 2020: László Kövér, the leader of the Hungarian Parliament, accused Laura Kovesi, now chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, of being a foreign agent.

During the debate on the EU’s economic recovery package, László Kövér accused Laura Codruţa Kovesi of being a foreign agent and said that Ceausescu would be proud of her. Kover accuses Kovesi of gaining notoriety by launching dozens of investigations into political opponents, including Hungarian mayors.

Fidesz leader adds that hundreds of thousands of phone calls have been intercepted as a result of a collaboration between DNA and Secret Services

“They were completely unjustly accused, taken from their families at dawn in the car of a command unit. During this time, hundreds of thousands of phone calls were intercepted as a result of a collaboration between DNA and Security. Well, if Comrade Ceausescu were alive, he would be satisfied if he saw what she’s am doing in Romania “, said László Kövér, the leader of the Hungarian Parliament.

“How could Romania, as a state, remain functional as a result of such unforgivable activities, which clearly had external motivations, this is a matter that I leave to the judgment of the Romanian electorate. But is he really expected to join this European Prosecutor’s Office because he would be guided by a policy of impartiality, the rule of law and clean hands? ”, said Kover, according to 444.hu.

Commenting on Kover’s statement, Romanian analyst, former politician and definite Deep State operative, Cosmin Gusa says in a Facebook post:
“Kover, publicly and OFFICIALLY revealing Laura Codruta Kovesi as “the agent of SOROS-type foreign powers”, gives us confirmation that at international diplomatic level Romania is perceived as a state led not by Romanians, but by others , a poor COLONY OF AN EXTERNAL CONJURATION difficult to identify precisely, and our leaders some useless puppets who do not exercise their constitutional role.
We had the clearest recent evidence even by addressing the Coronavirus crisis, when our authorities directed their actions exactly in the spirit generated in the US by the phalanx “DEEP STATE – SOROS”, respectively in a spirit contrary to that desired by Donald Trump , the president of our so-called “strategic ally”. Which tells us clearly that our American partner was never the American state, but the “PREDATORY GROUP” in the DEEP STATE there, who through political puppets like Joe Biden and senior officers of their intelligence structures, took advantage and looted almost everything they grabbed from Ukraine, Romania and other weak states in Europe.
The great shame felt by every Romanian who still possesses the feeling of NATIONAL PRIDE is one aspect, but what’s worse is to imagine how bad we will perform the near future, seeing that Romania is now perceived as being unmanaged, ready “TO BE DIVIDED BETWEEN THE GREAT AND INTERESTED PLANETS OF THE PLANET”…

Political partisanship makes Gusa separate Trump from international schemers, but it’s just a false impression, as Giuliani’s gig in Romania stands to prove, as well as Trump a.

October 2020: average Romanians enjoy less liberties than Puiu Popoviciu. Joe Biden advocates for masks, vaccines and quarantines. Kovesi is a great European prosecutor. Anti-corruption triumphs, people die of heart diseases at home, as hospitals are busy with propaganda. And when they get to the hospital, they die of Covid. #Justice.

To be updated

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! Articles can always be subject of later editing as a way of perfecting them

Hunter Biden and Rudy Giuliani worked on the same side in Romania defending local deep state mafia

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