Call for an end to UK government helping Big Pharma evade justice.
by Fabian Ubiquitus
This was posted of Facebook by fellow UKR columnist Felix Colley.
“Are there any of my friends that still don’t know that pharmaceutical companies are totally exempt from any damage caused by vaccines and flu jabs in the uk? Any adverse reaction, autoimmune disorder, paralasys, brain damage or even death.
“Anything like that gets paid for by the UK government (also known as the tax payer).
“Now, bear in mind that the largest manufacturers of these things have also been given the biggest criminal charges and fines on the planet for fraud, bribery and mis-marketing drugs to people that they are not intended for.
“Now tell me which of my child’s arms or my grandparents’ arms I should trust them with. Please. Go ahead.”
I hadn’t quite realised the extent to which laws have been snuck through Parliament by treasonous MPs that protect their pals, sponsors, bribers, blackmailers or whatever the case may be, in Big Pharma from any consequences for any killing and maiming they happen to do in their effort to crowbar filthy lucre from their victims’ (sorry, customers’) wallets.
It is an absolute disgrace. We cannot afford to tolerate the administration of our collective affairs being left in the hands of people that irresponsible or that batty.
I do not use the term “treasonous” lightly. Treason in its broad sense is a betrayal after trust and ANY politician party to this effort to place wealthy corporate criminals above the laws and common decencies that apply to the rest of us IS guilty of betraying the trust placed in him (or her because acting like scum is an equal opportunities endeavour) by the People.
This really is not good enough. The people deserve better. Parliament and government need to buck their ideas up because we are getting sick and tired of being let down, lied to, manipulated, poisoned, drugged, murdered and otherwise abused by scummy crime syndicates and degenerate money-grubbing parasites masquerading as “free enterprise”.
Not to mention the hijack of our democracy their proxies, henchmen, agents and front men posing as “politicians”.
We are actually, such is the progress man has made on many fronts, on the verge of a Golden Age in which we can, if we are of a mind to, take this civilisation built from the sweat, sacrifice, courage good will and creative genius of our forefathers to a new high level.
When we do so, we will need a government fit for that purpose and the current sordid mess doesn’t cut it. I’ve been working on how to identify and put in place fundamental principles or agreements as to how we shall proceed, upon which to base a government designed and run for all the People, “the people” being the human race, which comprises billions of decent people of good will and extremely high potential capabilities.
This situation with the Big Pharma crime syndicate highlights one such principle. That principle, put simply is this: All (ALL) people INCLUDING ALL those in government and big corporations shall be responsible for and held accountable for their actions and liable for prosecution where their actions result through malice aforethought or willful negligence in the bodily harm, manslaughter or murder of any person.
By this principle PERSONS are responsible for what happens not corporate or other entities because ANY action that occurs is carried out by specific persons, ordered by specific persons, decided upon by specific persons, approved by specific persons and so forth.
So let us take the example of a drug or vaccine produced by a company that is marketed as properly tested and safe but it later kills say, half a dozen children or some such thing.
It is not good enough that the company gets sued for a few million (and the fine paid by the tax payers for God’s sake!). An investigation should be carried out to discover which SPECIFIC persons were party to the negligence, misrepresentation, scientific fraud or whatever resulted in the murder or manslaughter, right up to the very top of the corporation responsible.
You can bet your life if the CEO’s of these corporations knew that they themselves could face criminal charges, Big Pharma would suddenly become a whole lot more conscientious in the testing, development and marketing of its products.
One of the primary roles of a government that truly works for the people is removing criminal activity (murder, manslaughter, bodily harm, fraud etc etc) from their environment.
It definitely does NOT involve letting criminals – especially those in positions to cause far-reaching harm – off the ruddy hook!
If you thus reward criminals whilst penalising honest people (for instance by letting them be murdered with impunity) you will get more crime and sooner or later you country or indeed your planet will wind up being run by criminals (sounds familiar?)
The government often bleats and blathers with hand-wringing insincerity about getting “tough on crime” or “tough on the causes of crime” then more often than not just turns around and blames parents, the cops or the human race for being inherently flawed – when what it really needs to do is get its own act together and become honest and straight.