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Berlin Protest 10-28-2020 & the Tipping Point

Today we had another demonstration in Berlin. This time, people remained in their cars, busses, and trucks again along the Kurfürstendamm, Berlin’s most known shopping street. All people from the event as well as the tourism industry have joined. This is the response to the officially confirmed second lockdown starting from November, 2nd. Instead of people walking and they are banning such gatherings, this time they are driving vehicles down the street.
Under the new lockdown, all restaurants, bars need to close. All entertainment such as cinemas, concert halls, theatres, operas, events will be closed. The swimming centers and gyms need to close. All sport team activities are banned and any private traveling is prohibited. Hotel stays are only allowed for business trips exclusively.
Attached is the official Lockdown Order of Merkel
With so many members of the German government coming out against Merkel, such as the German Minister of Health who admitted that the lockdowns were a mistake, one must question if Merkel has not been bribed. Now the data on the COVID situation and mortality in Germany has surfaced showing that there has “apparently never been an epidemiological emergency.” Nevertheless, we have to come to the realization that this has nothing to do with protecting people.
This appears to be intended to try to crush the economy so that the people will accept the crumbs being offered and sign on to this new world of totalitarianism promoted by the World Economic Forum and funded by Bill Gates. Big Tech are all lining up with Gates from Twitter, Facebook, and Google censoring any anti-comments about COVID-19. Destroying businesses on a wholesale basis seems to be intended to create this new world where you own nothing. They then seem to be looking at nationalizing the big ones that they also push against the wall. This is becoming one giant step forward to push Western Society into the waiting arms of Klaus Schwab. They overestimate their power and underestimate that it only takes 40% of the population to disagree and become active to overthrow a government – i.e. American and French Revolutions.
At some point, the police and/or army will divide and wake up and realize that by oppressing the people just following orders as they claim at the Nuremberg Trials, they are also acting against their own families and destroying their future. That will be the tipping point.
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