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CCTV to block non mask wearers from shops.


CCTV that blocks people from entering a shop if they are not wearing a mask being set up across UK

  • CCTV cameras installed in stores in bid to help staff tackle ‘difficult’ customers
  • Screen outside shop will display green or red message to grant access to person
  • Whiteley’s Garden Centre in West Yorkshire already has system up and running
  • It follows revelation that AI scanners in UK are supplying social distancing data

 Katie Weston – Daily Mail.com Oct 16, 2020

CCTV that blocks people from entering a shop if they are not wearing a face covering is being set up across the UK.

The cameras use artificial intelligence to determine whether a person walking towards the shop doors is wearing a mask in a bid to help staff tackle ‘difficult’ customers.

A screen fitted outside the shop’s doors will display a green or red message to automatically allow or deny access to the person.

Customers who aren’t wearing a mask will be refused entry automatically and the doors will remain shut.

Continues …

Comment – Oct 17, 2020

From hereon the next step will be to set up CCTV cameras to identify if shoppers have been vaccinated against Covid-19 or not. Then shop owners – and here we are talking about major supermarket chains, as most small family stores will be out of business soon – will be able to bar those who have not been “immunized” with a Bill Gates approved vaccine.
As in “that none may buy or sell unless he bears the mark of the Beast …
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