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Coronavirus: Legal Raids in Progress at the Homes, Offices of Several French Ministers

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

Charges have been brought against several ministers present and former in the French government for its mishandling of the coronavirus crisis. Raids are now being conducted on their homes and offices.

Agnes Buzyn (see featured image, centre right) was the minister of health back in January and February, who famously reclassified hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as toxic, thereby putting it out of the reach of family physicians when the ‘virus’ began to create some real problems during February to April. The government under former PM, Edouard Philippe (centre left and one of the accused) told the locked-down public that doctors’ offices were not safe places, that the local bakery would be safer; doctors themselves were left to skype with patients, with no more power than to tell them to take a painkiller, such was their role diminished at a critical time while HCQ, a popular drug in France, had been removed. In a video last month, Prof. Dolores Cahill mentioned how HCQ had been distributed among the political class and doctors (presumably for personal use), with remaining supplies destroyed. Buzyn’s husband, Yves Levy (a former immunologist, with heavy political connections to high-profile French health institutions and a special advisor to Macron’s government), was also a player in the French involvement in the setting up of the P4 lab in Wuhan. Buzyn was given an escape route by Macron to run for the mayor of Paris in February (she failed to get elected) but famously broke down at the microphone, saying retrospectively, ‘we knew what was coming’. That, plus a health system unprepared in the way of masks and other equipment, etc., on top of it being close to breaking point through persistent underfunding over years.

Remember how the authorities everywhere did precisely zero over the ‘Wuhan virus’ during critical months when it was probably circulating (December – February)? There was just the same level of carefully timed, wilful inactivity and neglect in France by the authorities.

There are legal cases being brought in relation to carehomes, too, whereby seniors were basically left to their own devices and not given correct care, not being allowed to go to hospital, etc. The usual story. Plus the shocking trial-by-media treatment of Prof. Didier Raoult at Marseille over HCQ, which has failed to impress average members of the public who can see Raoult is a sincere man defending a valuable yet inexpensive drug. And top doctors, some of them, are known to have past and present Big Pharma connections. In France, it’s all been more or less a repeat of the scandalous mishandling in most other countries, including driving up the ‘case’ numbers using the PCR test inappropriately that they know is not fit for purpose even when used correctly.

Starting this Saturday, there are 9pm – 6am curfews in several major cities because, you know, the virus is more active during these hours. (See Macron Declares Public Health State of Emergency with City Curfews.)

In the story below, Olivier Veran (far right on featured image) is the current health minister.

The first report, from Agence-France Presse, is filtered through the lens of Le Libre Penseur (Free Thinker), who is justifiably happy at the news of the judicial searches. However, veteran lawyer below that, Regis de Castelnau, also sees a political game behind it with what he describes as ‘spectacular’ raids on key ministers. The judges are taking revenge on Macron, for having appointed a justice minister they detest and who detests them – Eric Dupond-Moretti. They, de Castelnau claims, had helped Macron to power in the first place, then protected key Macron allies while going after major political enemies, as well as using the court system against social protestors such as the Gilets Jaunes. Utter corruption.

We’re interested on both levels; we sincerely hope heads roll in relation to the health crisis.


Coronavirus: raids in progress at Olivier Véran and several managers


Wonderful news because the discoveries of the police officers will certainly enlighten us on the lies and manipulations of the executive.


Source: 20minutes

Jérôme Salomon (not pictured above), Édouard Philippe, Agnès Buzyn and Sibeth Ndiaye were also searched.

The ministry announced on Thursday that searches were carried out at the homes and offices of Health Minister Olivier Véran as part of a judicial inquiry into the management of the coronavirus crisis. Searches are also taking place at the homes of the Director General of Health Jerome Salomon, former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn, and former spokeswoman of the government Sibeth Ndiaye.

These actions come within the framework of a judicial inquiry opened by the Court of Justice of the Republic on July 3 concerning the management of the covid-19 crisis, with as its head “abstention from fighting a disaster”. This offense is punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.

The timing of the searches is not linked to the announcements of Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday.
The investigation was entrusted to the ‘Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l’environnement et à la santé publique’ [OCLAESP] (ER: Central Office of the Fight Against Attacks on the Environment and Public Health). “The aim is to look for elements (reports/documents) that would make it possible to establish that the ministers did not take all the necessary measures to fight the crisis when they were aware of the dangers,” our source says. Who specifies that the “timing of the searches is not at all related to the announcements made by Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday evening”. (ER: These are announcements to implement a curfew on major cities between 9pm and 6am.)

Between the beginning of the crisis and last June, 84 complaints had been filed against these members of the government for their management of the health crisis. After examination, the Court of Justice of the Republic forwarded nine of these complaints to the Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Appeals on the sole ground of “abstention from combating a disaster, an offense provided for and punishable under article 223-7 of the Penal Code”. It directly targets Edouard Philippe, Agnès Buzyn and Olivier Véran. As for the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, he is criminally irresponsible for acts carried out in the exercise of his duties.





As I had already indicated, my silence for a few weeks was due to completing some work on the crisis that the justice is going through. A crisis that has seen the judiciary spontaneously put itself at the service of Emmanuel Macron and his minority power. The result should be published around November 10. Pending some reflections on recent events symptomatic of the impasse in which a justice system cut off from a defiant and unaccountable public opinion is becoming locked.

What should we think of the “confrontation” between the roughly assembled body of magistrates against Eric Dupond Moretti, chosen by the President of the Republic to occupy the post of Keeper of the Seals? (ER: Dupond-Moretti is a pro-criminal, extremely high-profile, ‘woke’ criminal defence lawyer who takes on major cases. Ideologically, he is no friend of the class of French judges.)

There are, of course, immediate reasons for this crisis, those circumstantial factors that triggered it. But there are also deep-seated, even very deep-seated causes that are making the French justice system, like other major sectors of the State, go through a very significant crisis today. There is, of course, the budgetary catastrophe that saw Bercy (ER: govt finance ministry), trapped in its accounting autism, refuse to provide the indispensable means to carry out the mission of the public service of justice. Using the term “trampling” is not excessive, as Olivia Dufour has quite rightly demonstrated in her indispensable work: “Justice, a French bankruptcy?”. But there are other causes, and in particular, what has happened within the judiciary over the last thirty years to lead to a situation unworthy of a democratic republic.

Today there was the great judicial rodeo of searches of ministers and some civil servants. This has nothing to do with the search for the truth and the normal conduct of proceedings. It is simply the judiciary which, after having served Macron with zeal, considers itself mistreated by the appointment of Eric Dupond Moretti and is presenting him with the bill.

Saying to him: “who made you king? Remember Fillon.” (ER: Centre-right Francois Fillon – pictured – was the popular choice of the French to be president when Macron got elected, beating Marine Le Pen. While Fillon was guilty of paying his family members to do work on the taxpayers’ dime, it was hardly a hanging offence – lots of French ministers do it – but the judiciary played their role in going after Fillon on behalf of Macron and removing him as presidential candidate. Then the judiciary went after Jean-Luc Melenchon and Marine Le Pen, again on behalf of Macron while protecting others close to Macron. The magistrature also went after the Gilets Jaunes and other social protests, prosecuting a few thousand of them in record time while permitting extreme police violence. As de Castelnau notes in the video linked to below, the judges have been an important tool for Macron. For the last 30 years, he notes, the judges have become extremely politicized. Now they’re going after Macron’s ministers in return.)

I provided some explanations in a video published by Front Populaire.

We will talk about all this again very soon.

VIDEO LINK (in French)


Coronavirus: Legal Raids in Progress at the Homes, Offices of Several French Ministers

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