Stop the election being stolen by fraud
Wed 10:32 pm +01:00, 30 Sep 2020GET ON YOUR PHONE AND START CALLING.
All we have to do is get around their censorship engines and AI monsters and WE HAVE THEM. And it can be done, Pick up your phone and start calling people, first in your area code plus any random number. Don’t even bother with a phone book, just start random dialing because that will hit enough numbers and be the most efficient. This site alone can summon enough people to SLAM THIS. When others pick this up, (and a few will) it will be that much more of a disaster for the vote thieves. If Alex picks this up, it is game over but don’t bet on that.
Efficiency is key. It has to start with the very first thing you say:
“I am from an election auditing team that is trying to stop the election from being stolen. Who do you want as president, Biden or Trump?
If at that point they start jabbering about whatever and don’t give you a straight answer, HANG UP. Don’t waste your time with that crap. Also:
If at that point they say Biden, HANG UP. Don’t waste your time on that. The key is not wasting time by being polite or trying to convince people because most people are voting Trump anyway, those are the ones you talk to.
If the answer is Trump, here is what you say:
We have confirmed that the mail sort machines are being used to rig the election, and there is too much corruption for our people to stop it. Only you, at a grass roots level, can stop it. Here is how the machines are being used:
Ever since the 1990’s the mail sort machines have been able to read hand printed envelopes and from the address on them, they can barcode them and the barcode is what is used to get the mail to your house. The address database that allows them to know what barcode to put on the envelopes has been merged with the voter records by the people stealing this election, and the mail sort machines themselves are throwing ballots from the addresses of registered republicans in the trash. When the machine throws the ballot in the trash, it then registers the vote as having been cast, and puts all the voter’s data in a file that is used to fill out a new fake mail in ballot for Biden and other Democrats. It is a perfect vote theft system, there’s no way they can get caught because all the vote totals will be accurate. This is obviously a very brazen way to steal an election, but the corruption is so deep we can’t stop it. Only a totally awakened and aware America can stop it.
At this point it will be reasonable for them to ask for proof.
Tell them to hit the front page of this site. Just say, (or anywhere else this gets posted verbatim, in an easily seen way.) Tell them there’s photographic proof of the steal there. Then tell them to spread this info via as many direct phone calls as they can possibly make, because e-mail, facebook, and even forums will not work due to the censorship.
Here is proof they are using the mail sort machines to steal the election, tens of thousands of STAMPED mail in ballots at a Sonoma landfill, along with a current newspaper – these were not extra ballots, the stamps prove they were filled out and mailed and the current newspaper confirms they are for the 2020 election.