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The English Democrats are challenging the Lockdown Regulations and the Coronavirus Act.



Dear Tap,

Re: English Democrats High Court Case against Boris Johnson’s Covid “laws”

Right from the start of lockdown one of the extraordinary features of the Government’s handling of the “Coronavirus Crisis” has been the abandonment of any attempt to be accurate and truthful about what steps they are taking.

It is clear, after looking over the legislation enacted by Boris and his Ministers, the lockdown was and is illegal!

That is why we are dragging the government into the High Court and we need your help, Henry!

The English Democrats are challenging the Lockdown Regulations and the Coronavirus Act.

Under the emergency legislation of the Coronavirus Act, the Government has taken full power to make and to change the law by diktat, suspending and trampling on our hard-fought liberties!

Ministers are directly responsible for the creation of the Rules which they themselves announce, subverting our constitutional process and the rule of Parliament.

Millions of jobs, mortgages, marriages and even lives have been sacrificed by our bumbling government and they are still pressing ahead, causing even more hardship to millions of hard-working people based on lies, lies and more lies!

This is the beginning of Orwell’s nightmare!

Ministers are announcing that a rule is coming into force, when no such rule has even been created by them or by anybody else.  When they give “Guidance”, the official guidance is often vastly at variance to the Rules that the Minister has actually created.

This process started back on the 23rd March, when Boris went on television to say that he was immediately “Locking Down” the country.

He had no powers to do so and, whilst his comments were treated as being official to the point where the police were actually arresting people, in fact there were no such Rules.

To date, THOUSANDS have been arrested when no such laws were on the books!

Ministers even got the lying Mainstream Media to widely report that there were various offences which were in force which in fact were not in force as Rules at all.

They are all lying to our faces and subverting our Democracy!

We want to show the government and media establishment up for the lying, freedom-stealing crooks that they are and win back FREEDOM for every man, woman and child in England.

Boris and his cronies will fight tooth and nail against our ROCK-SOLID case but we are determined to fight until the bitter end, So we do need a very big war chest, will YOU assist!

Please help us as much as you can, the future of our democracy and our ancient liberties hangs in the balance and your support can and will make a massive difference! I invite you to do the right thing and strike a blow against the power-crazed politicians by donating below:

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Chairman – The English Democrats

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