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by Piers Corbyn
I am an astrophysicist and a long range weather forecaster. I am 73 years old and have been a long standing campaigner for justice and human rights, living and working in London.
days to go
pledged of £18,000 stretch target from 944 pledges

Piers Corbyn
Case Owner
I am an astrophysicist and a long range weather forecaster. I am 73 years old and have been a long standing campaigner for justice and human rights, living and working in London.
days to go
pledged of £18,000 stretch target from 944 pledges

Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Update 5

Piers Corbyn

Aug. 31, 2020

Arrested again! For organising the biggest anti-lockdown protest in the UK

On Saturday 29 August 2020, we had a hugely successful rally at Trafalgar Square in central London with well over 10,000 people attending and a number of excellent speakers. This was followed by a march to Downing Street. Everything passed off peacefully, but out of the blue I was suddenly arrested for breaching Regulation 5B which restricts gatherings, and which I was told had only come into force 24 hours earlier!

This arrest was completely unnecessary and arbitrary. I was told orders had come from “on high” – another example of political policing. I am the first person ever to be arrested under this new law – passed without any Parliamentary scrutiny.

I was detained for almost 10 hours until finally released in the early hours of the morning, having been interviewed by an officer seconded from Counter Terrorism Command. The Police have now reported me for being an organiser who allegedly failed to take appropriate measures to stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is further attack on civil liberties. I will refuse to pay the £10,000 fine and take the matter to court. This will be my second major court battle – and another TEST CASE!

Let’s continue to fight for our freedoms, against the destruction of normal social and economic life, for a healthy society free from fear. No second lockdown, no ‘New World Order’ based on lies!

Update 4

Piers Corbyn

Aug. 31, 2020

Update 3

Piers Corbyn

Aug. 31, 2020

Defence Statement Served

My Defence Statement was served on the Crown Prosecution Service and the Court on Friday 28 August 2020 – you can view it below.

My defence is essentially that the exercise of my right to protest should be a ‘reasonable excuse’ under the Regulations. It was also grossly unfair that anti-lockdown protestors were targeted by the Metropolitan police for arrest, while they ‘facilitated’ the Black Lives Matter protest – this is discriminatory “political policing.”

I now need to raise further funds for a QC to defend the case at trial on 23 October 2020 – it is very important that we win, not just for me but for all the other protestors who now have trials lined up in November and December on charges arising from the same protests in May 2020. I have therefore raised the target to £25,000.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far!

Update 2

Piers Corbyn

June 28, 2020


Your support is already bringing results!

On 24 June, despite strong opposition from the Crown Prosecution Service and the Metropolitan Police the District Judge upheld our application to delete the bail condition not to enter the City of Westminster, imposed by Metropolitan Police on 30 May.

This condition was designed to stifle my right to protest in the political heart of the Capital.

The trial will now take place on 23 October 2020, and we urge any other protestors due to appear at court to ask for their cases to be adjourned until after this date. If we win then all other protest cases should be dropped!

Our CROWD FUND EXTENSION is to make this possible. Thank you one and all for great support!

Update 1

Piers Corbyn

June 17, 2020


Thank you very much for your contribution. We’ve had a tremendous response and are pressing on beyond the original limit into “stretch fund” to support others who are affected by this case and potential further actions such as a Judicial Review.

We are of course liasing with other case on the wider Lockdown issue.

For the latest on what’s going on in the campaign look on twitter #StandUpX and follow @Piers_Corbyn

Do pass on the links to contribute and join action.

Thank you again!

Piers Corbyn

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