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Hundreds of Thousands Protest for Freedom Across the World

August 29, 2020 — Hundreds of thousands across the world took to the streets protesting against Bill Gates global agenda of lockdowns, mandatory masks and forced vaccination. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke to hundreds of thousands of Germans in Berlin. In London it is being reported between 35,000 and 40,000 people gathered in protest. Thousands gathered in Ottawa, Canada and Albany, New York, in solidarity with the protests in Europe.

When Kennedy opened his speech to the German people he stated that the newspapers today were reporting he was coming to Germany to speak to “5,000 Nazis.” There was nearly 100 times that amount of people, and they sure as hell weren’t Nazis. Today if you stand up for freedom and liberty you are smeared as a far-right-wing ideologue. The truth is that Patriots are standing up for freedom and liberty – whether left, right, conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian, independent or whatever everyone is showing up to have their voice heard.

Make no mistake about it, this is very big and gives a glimpse of the “showdown” that is brewing between common freedom-loving citizens and global elite forces that are anti-freedom and anti-liberty. Read the full report from Children’s Health Defense and watch Kennedy’s full speech here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-speaks-at-berlin-rally-for-freedom-and-peace/?itm_term=home&cn-reloaded=1

Australia Spiraling Fascism

Protests in Melbourne are Illegal


Lockdown protest planner arrested, faces $20,000 penalty

August 28, 2020 – Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius says police will not tolerate “batshit crazy” anti coronavirus theories and warned people planning on attending protests that their feet “won’t touch the ground” before they are arrested.

Mr Cornelius dismissed protesters on Friday as the “tinfoil hat-wearing brigade” after a Melbourne man was arrested and charged with incitement for allegedly helping to organise an anti-lockdown protest planned for next week.

Reported from The AgeRead entire report at the following link: https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/utterly-selfish-lockdown-protest-planner-arrested-faces-20k-penalty-20200828-p55qaw.html

Twitter Suspends #Unity2020



August 28, 2020 — Twitter Suspended #Unity2020’s account – https://twitter.com/ArticlesOfUnity – on Twitter for amplifying the hashtag #JustSayNoToDonaldAndJoe just as President Trump was accepting the Republican Party’s nomination. While Twitter is notoriously known for censoring voices of conservatives, libertarians and health freedom advocates, in this instance the tech-giant is clearly attempting to protect the corrupt duopoly of the Republican-Democrat dictatorship of America. In fact I will even go as far to say Twitter went out of its way to protect Trump by suspending the account at a crucial moment for the Trump campaign.

I normally don’t give a crap about the presidency.

In New York we are seeing clearly that Dictator Cuomo is the #1 clear and present danger to NY residents. His dictatorial powers are on the books as “legal” until April 2021 in his emergency powers act S7919. And it is the New York legislature working with Cuomo to erode our rights at warp speed. However, as Professor Bret Weinstein has so clearly articulated and demonstrated, we stand at a moment in history where the American Republic itself may fall apart completely. The only office in the nation that can galvanize the will to prevent this is the presidency.

Seeing Twitter suspend @ArticlesOfUnity is a clear sign that it is a real threat to the corrupt Republican-Democrat duopoly dictatorship that just might choke the American Republic to death. Everyone who has spoken out against Twitter censorship in the past *must* speak out against this censorship as well, right now. Please don’t be hypocritical in this moment. I have spoken out for conservatives who have been suspended from Twitter who I did not like or support, but I firmly believe in the tenant of free speech and social media is the new public square. Even if you don’t believe in #Unity2020, I ask you to be courageous, bold and principled by tweeting to @Jack and @Twitter that they must stop their war on #FreeSpeech.

Bring Back @ArticlesOfUnity!


Learn more about Bret Weinstein here: Racism is Being Used to Divide and Conquer America

Learn more about #Unity2020 here: https://articlesofunity.org/

Watch Bret Weinstein’s podcast – https://www.youtube.com/BretWeinsteinDarkH

City Limits Quotes FED UP DEM

August 26, 2020 — City Limits is a publication that covers local politics in New York City. On July 14th, Lauren Pehlivanian, a “youth reporter” for City Limits, contacted me requesting an interview regarding the coming COVID vaccine. I said no to the interview but agreed to answer any-and-all questions via email.

The City Limits report was published here and I am quoted once.

I do not agree with the overall tone of the City Limits piece. It relies heavily on vaccine proponents and gives very little of the skeptical perspective or the science that supports skepticism. It also heavily quotes Big Pharma’s favorite puppet in Albany, Brad Hoylman; the man who never met a vaccine he didn’t love. I have reported extensively on Hoylman’s Big Pharma corruption and conflicts of interests.

Here is some of my reporting on Hoylman:

Hoylman Will Force COVID19 Vaccine on Every New Yorker

Brad Hoylman’s Mother-in-law’s Work is Funded by Bill Gates

Brad Hoylman is an Enemy of the People in NYC

Everyone should remember Hoylman is being challenged by Liz Glass in the upcoming election on November 3rd as a write-in candidate.

Nevertheless there is some good information in the report and I am quoted fairly accurately in it. Below I am publishing all of the questions asked of me via email from Lauren Pehlivanian along with my full answers that I provided to her in writing.

My answers are in bold font:


  • To start, can you share your personal reasons for supporting the platform of Medical Freedom?

In 1986 an Act was signed into law by Ronald Reagan that gave full immunity to vaccine manufacturers if their products injured or killed children injected with them. That law created a fund to pay parents of injured children. Since that time over $4 billion has been paid out due to vaccine injury. This raised red flags for me and compelled me to do my own research.

  • Even though you oppose mandated vaccinations, would you still choose to vaccinate yourself and your family? Why or why not?

Possibly. I was vaccinated as a child. Each vaccine needs to be taken individually on its own merits. What are the risks? What are the benefits?

  • Do you believe vaccines are beneficial for public health? Why or why not?

Some vaccines might have public health benefits, but not all of them. When I was a child I received 3 different vaccines and maybe 12 total doses by the time I was 18. Today children are given 16 different vaccines and over 70 doses of them. Never has a major scientific study been published to analyze the cumulative health impact of such a large number of vaccines. Today over 50% of children have a chronic health condition, and no science has been done to conclude whether vaccines contribute to those conditions. Again, what is the benefit we are getting from so many vaccines compared with the risk?

  • When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, would you take it?

No. The top vaccinologists in the country have all come out with extreme warnings about the “warp speed” coronavirus vaccine project, including Dr. Peter Hotez, Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Ian Frasier. All of these doctors have invented vaccines and are the strongest supporters of vaccination on the planet. ALL OF THEM give severe warnings about a potential coronavirus vaccine. You can read those concerns at a report of mine: https://thefedupdemocrat.home.blog/2020/04/19/why-a-coronavirus-vaccine-is-not-the-solution/

  • What are your thoughts on the proposed mandatory COVID-19 vaccine?

It’s insanity. No vaccine even exists yet, under the PREP ACT the Trump administration has already indemnified 3 of the experimental vaccines – meaning if you get maimed or die no one can sue – the virus has a very low mortality rate, death rates from COVID across the country right now are PLUNGING – there is no need to make this as-of-yet-non-existent, experimental vaccine mandatory. Such a mandate would be in direct opposition to the Nuremberg Code written by American lawyers after World War 2 in response to Nazi experimentation on unwitting subjects. You can read about how the Federal Government has indemnified the coronavirus vaccine manufacturers in a separate report of mine herehttps://www.honeycolony.com/article/coronavirus-vaccines-are-now-countermeasures/.

And read how COVID death rates are plummeting here:  https://thefedupdemocrat.home.blog/2020/06/27/us-coronavirus-deaths-plummet/

  • What role do you believe politicians should play in regulating vaccinations?

Politicians need to stay out of my relationship with my doctor. There are way too many conflicts of interest. Every state in the union should have medical, personal and religious exemptions to vaccination.


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