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Forced Vaccination and Detention on the Cards in NY State

Forced Vaccination and Detention on the Cards in NY State

News Brief – August 28, 2020

A new bill under consideration in the New York State legislature could well become a model for other states in dealing with Covid-19.
In brief, bill A99 proposes the “removal and detention” anyone “suspected” of carrying an infectious disease, like coronavirus. This will happen even if they don’t exhibit any signs because people can be infected with Covid-19 without showing symptoms.
According to the Nursing Times over 40% of Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic, in other words they display no symptoms.
For proponents of a New World Order it’s a gift. Those seeking to impose martial law or some sort of draconian clampdown couldn’t ask for more. It means they can detain anyone “suspected” of being infected with coronavirus without a trace of hard evidence.
This could be done simply on the pretext of preserving public health, and who could argue with that?
It doesn’t end there though. For if approved A99 will give the authorities the power to vaccinate anyone against Covid-19, whether they consent or not.
In plain language it’s mandate for forced vaccination. Part of the bill is posted below and the more observant reader will note that it’s dated January 9, 2019. In other words plans for enforced medication were being drawn up and tabled ONE YEAR BEFORE Covid-19 first appeared in Wuhan, China.

Click to enlarge

The fact that authoritative figures like Professor Giuseppe Tritto, president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technology, believes that Covid-19 was produced in a laboratory raises the question: was Covid-19 created to pave the way for the imposition of medical martial law?
Was the rough draft of what might one day become global legislation first tabled in New York State’s legislature in anticipation of Covid-19?
Was it just coincidence that this happened a year before coronavirus first appeared in Wuhan, China? If so it was as big a “coincidence” as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation holding Event 201, a simulated global pandemic exercise that was held just weeks before Covid-19 made its debut in Wuhan.
As a mentor once remarked “there is no such thing as coincidence” and there are too many “coincidences” here.
The one consolation we may take from this is that bill A99 doesn’t seem to have garnered much support since it was first tabled in Jan 2019. So for the time being the proposal has yet to be approved but it’s as well to be aware that legislation for forced vaccinations is still a real possibility.
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