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Cancel The Cabal: The Biggest & Most Destructive Scam In Human History


Cancel The Cabal: The Biggest & Most Destructive Scam In Human History


By: Roger Landry (TLB)

Are Americans being intentionally lead to the slaughter house … ???

This is not the first time I have opened with this question … but then I have said much of this, countless times before. The difference is that … now many more people are actually listening. Many of my/our (TLB) remarks, articles, or podcast shows over the past decade have been ridiculed, ignored, or outright banned as being conspiracy theories with no absolute proof. These topics include (but are not limited to) some pretty well known issues such as:

  • The Shadow Government exists and is treasonous …

  • 9/11 was an inside job …

  • The Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional …

  • The UNITED STATES is a corporation …

  • Vaccines are responsible for Autism …

  • Big Business owns our Leaders …

  • Fluoride is killing America …

  • Geoengineering is killing humanity …

  • COVID-19 is a Plandemic …

  • 80% of the global population will be eliminated by 2025 …

etc…, etc…, etc…

But the more suffering becomes a daily mainstay … the more hopelessness becomes a reality … the more tyranny and treason against We The People becomes blatantly obvious … The more attention platforms like The Liberty Beacon Project receives. And it is not just recent media, people are rummaging through the archives for info from over a decade or two ago … connecting the dots.

Click on image to read related article

As I have also stated numerous times … I never thought I would live to see the day (although I suspected it was inevitable) when massive suffering and ruination of this entire nation was the intended goal of a self-professed elite cast (including the likes of Soros). These ‘global tyrants’ believe Trump, a duly elected President, must be removed or his re-election thwarted … at all cost … regardless of your or my wishes … We no-longer count … FACT!

Another appropriate comment from a recent article of mine:

“Also consider another obvious fact … They realize they have no chance at the ballot box with Dementia Joe (despite massive and continuous MSM poll lies), so they have decided to literally destroy America and all our lives to ensure a victory for themselves. REALLY ??? This is NOT a freaking joke, it is absolute reality happening right before your eyes, something that anyone doing even basic level research can determine for themselves.

I seems that is makes little difference whether that cost be the destruction of a society, an economy, or an entire nation. We are living in a time where treason and sedition against We The People is ignored or secretly enhanced by those we elect to protect and lead us … so do these words still carry their original meaning … and are these evil progressives untouchable as they continue to ruin millions of lives, this nation, and the global community!”


Click on image to read related article

Please listen up as Steve and I examine reality in a fashion you will NEVER hear on the MSM!  Get a cold refreshing beverage, then Fasten your Seat-belt … this is one hell of a ride !!!


Click on the image below to watch this Show, or listen to the MP3 …


Parting Shot …


Read more articles by Roger Landry (TLB)


Cancel The Cabal: The Biggest & Most Destructive Scam In Human History

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