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Coronavirus came from a Chinese lab and no vaccine will ever cure it, declares renowned scientist

(Natural News) There is simply no way that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was able to transfer from bats to humans without some kind of deliberate genetic tampering, contends Prof. Giuseppe Tritto, a renowned biotechnology expert who says the official plandemic narrative is fake news.

The president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), Tritto conducted an investigation that led him to the conclusion that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) gained cross species transmission functionality due to genetic engineering that took place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s only level-four biosafety lab.

In his book entitled, Cina COVID 19: La Chimera che ha cambiato il Mondo, which translates as “China COVID 19: The chimera that changed the world,” Tritto explains how a People’s Liberation Army (PLA)-owned coronavirus was genetically modified to become the China Virus that is being reported around the world today. He says the novel virus is a chimera, meaning it was created in a lab rather than in nature.

Tritto also links the Wuhan Institute of Virology to both France and the United States, demonstrating how the governments of these two countries provided communist China with the financial and scientific resources it needed to unleash this bioengineering experiment, which has had a devastating global impact.

“Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result – a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic – their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the ‘chimera’ must have come from nature,” writes Steven Mosher for LifeSiteNews. “The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it.

The latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at Pandemic.news.

Anthony Fauci is directly responsible for unleashing coronavirus

Much of the story begins back in 2003 with the SARS pandemic, which was basically the Wuhan coronavirus part-one. It was way back then that communist China had attempted to swindle the world into accepting a vaccine for its coronavirus version 1.0, which never came to fruition in the way that coronavirus 2.0 is now manifesting.

Part of the vaccine development process for coronavirus 1.0 involved genetically engineering viral strains with reduced pathogenicity that were still strong enough to provoke an immune response. The reverse genetics that were used, however, resulted in viral strains with increased pathogenicity.

Later on, these super-virulent virus strains were manipulated with HIV genomes using “reverse genetics system 2.” Dr. Shi Zhengli, who was in charge of this program at the WIV, is who inserted this HIV segment into a coronavirus that was discovered in horseshoe bats, making it more infectious and lethal.

Prof. Ralph S. Baric from the University of North Carolina was also involved, as he was on the receiving end of major grants that came from none other than the Anthony Fauci-controlled National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

“Fauci was a big proponent of ‘gain of function’ research, and when this was prohibited at Baric’s lab because it was considered to be too dangerous, the research was shifted to China,” Mosher explains.

In a nutshell, what began as a project to develop a vaccine against SARS morphed into an effect to use “reverse genetics” to build lethal biological weapons, which is why we now have the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And Fauci is directly to blame for this global plandemic, which was hatched and unleashed with the help of American taxpayer dollars that Fauci redirected towards this nefarious research.

And perhaps the worst part of all this is that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now refusing to release the original genetic code that resulted in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) coming into existence, which means no effective vaccine will ever be developed by the West.

Monday, August 10, 2020 by: 


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