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Aussie woman tells Police ‘what for’ while they grope her on the ground

This is happening because people are accepting it, and accepting masks, and lockdowns, and lockins, and other Draconian, Orwellian rules and regulations..when the pandemic numbers don’t add up, and the testing is flawed, and a virus has not even been isolated in any test!!
Most people still believe their governments would never lie to them.
The police you see choking people are also the puppets of the mafia cabal..It is time to stop handing personal power over to the next Politician, President, Pope, Q, White Hat or Guru who promises to be your mum and dad, who promises to save you and do the best for you.
It is time, high time, and long overdue that humanity, people, re member their own magnificence and power, and stop looking for someone else to lead and save them. You are it, you are Neo, you are the gods you have been searching and waiting for…See my book The ‘Emergency Transformation of Human Beings’ here..www.jasonliosatos.com more timely and poignant than ever..and see my talk show here with Doctors, professors helping us understand the lies and tyranny that now ever more envelope us.
.https://www.youtube.com/user/GlobalPeaceTV/videos I have been told this is a fake video designed to scare people, I do not know if that is true..if it is I am leaving it up because clearly people need to be scared to stop acquiescing..if its real also great..

Woman ‘choked’ by cop during mask arrest
A Victoria Police officer has been filmed grabbing a young woman by the throat and forcing her to the ground without even talking to her first.
Jason Liosatos
TAP – Of course it’s not fake, Jason.  That’s the main media trying to undo the damage.  This must go global and bring shame on that wretched country.  Thankfully there are still brave people like this woman who will stand up and tell the Police what they truly are.  Cowards.  Criminals.  Thugs.
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David DuByne - Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns

We see vast changes are occurring in every aspect of life exactly at the same time across the entire planet. Ask yourself why, and why at this time when vast electromagnetic Earth changes are timelined out through October 2024 as the four gas giants form a square in the outer solar system that was last seen in 79 A.D, that our world is radically changing.

Mark Steel - The Covert Asymmetrical 5G Led Warfare Agenda

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