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Pattern of recurring pandemic narratives

Epidemics, as I’ve explained in many articles, resemble religions.

Epidemics, too, have origin stories.

Perhaps summarizing a few of the more popular legends will reveal a pattern.  Here is a short list.  Name of disease, where it began, and what it supposedly came from:

HIV/AIDS, Africa, monkeys.  West Nile, Uganda, birds, mosquitos.  Avian Influenza (H5N1), China, geese.  SARS, China, animals, perhaps bats.  Swine Flu (H1N1), Mexico, pigs.  COVID-19, China, animals, perhaps bats.

The first story-line requirement is animal origin.  “The virus jumped species to humans.”

Obviously, this kind of tale could be told using any country in the world as place of origin, because every country has animals.  Every country hunts animals, domesticates them, sells them, eats them.

With me so far?

A question that immediately pops up: why haven’t we been treated to a global pandemic origin-story that names America, Canada, or Europe as the source?

Those places have plenty of animals, wild and domesticated.  People eat them.  The factory-farms are notoriously unclean.

“Today, CDC researchers named a North Carolina commercial pig farm as the starting point of the Raleigh Virus 1 Pandemic that is sweeping the world…”

Hasn’t been told, hasn’t been sold.  Ever.

Why not?

Keep in mind we aren’t talking about science or truth—we’re talking about marketing.

So, who is the major audience (target) for these pandemic stories?

The West.  People in Western countries.

What does that audience need to hear, in order to be suitably impressed, deceived, frightened?

THE VIRUS COMES FROM A FOREIGN LAND.  Yes, and in that land, “strange and mysterious things happen.  Unhealthy unclean things.”  That’s the subliminal pitch.

Consider another tale of domestic Origin: “Experts are now centering their investigation on a market in Dayton, Ohio.  They believe the virus might have jumped species from a cat, which bit a human near the meat counter…”  No.  No good.

How about this?  “Ranchers in Wyoming apparently ate a wild bird…”  Better.  Why not?  If a virus-story about bats in China can work, so can a story about a bird in the US.  Except it doesn’t work.  No “foreign flavor.”

That is called a clue.

When you put together the fraudulent science that begins with the announced discovery of a new virus—never isolated or purified or actually found—with a legend about the virus’ origin in a far-off land, you have a marketable product.  PANDEMIC.

Contemplate this interesting twist.  If someone tried to sell a new pandemic that originated in a sanctuary city in California, “liberals” would climb all over that story: IT’S RACIST.  THEY’RE TRYING TO BLAME IMMIGRANTS.

But the same “liberals” will put on masks, stand six feet apart, work from home, stay indoors, cooperate with contact tracers, and line up for a vaccine, if you say the origin of the virus was China or Africa or Mexico, WHERE THE SKIN COLOR IS NOT WHITE.

Racial bias sells.  Hugely.  As long as no one mentions it.

Thus ends today’s lesson in logic, internal contradiction, and the highly technical variation called liberal bullshit.

John Rapoport

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