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Major Red Flag: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects of Covid vaccine

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

The story regarding Big Pharma refusing liability for its upcoming covid vaccines, originally from Reuters, was also picked up by Zerohedge, titled Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims.

As the article notes below, the US has long had unique legislation protecting Big Pharma against lawsuits for vaccine damage. Which means, of course, that Pharma has never had any incentive IN DECADES to upgrade the very dubious safety of their vaccination products – which has produced MILLIONS of vaccine-damaged CHILDREN alone, on whom an insane number of vaccines has been imposed.

This indemnity from prosecution may, however, come as a nasty surprise to those not living in the US.

Of note from Zerohedge:

Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs.

We need to remember that NO VACCINES ARE EVER CORRECTLY SAFETY-TESTED according to the gold standard of double-blind placebo testing (i.e. testing a new vaccine against harmless saline solution; instead, a new vaccine is likely to be ‘tested’ against a meningitis vaccine, for example, which has both known harmful ingredients and known harmful side effects). Each and every vaccine not correctly safety-tested is thus EXPERIMENTAL. Now, on the pretext of a ‘pandemic,’ where fear and panic are being deliberately created, this is providing needed cover for rushing the vaccines out, thus furnishing the perfect excuse as to why they cannot be properly safety-tested.

But we must also bear in mind that we are now facing FOUR VACCINE TYPES, each with their own different, experimental techniques and effects on the body. The risk to each of us taking one of these vaccines just went up considerably. The UK govt is even buying enough of every type to allow people to have all four if they wish!

Here is a chart provided by the UK Column on these types:

If you look at just one of these vaccine types and have no clue as to what an ‘adenoviral vaccine’ is, now is the time to start doing research. And yes, mRNA vaccines – which are truly experimental, never having been licensed before for commercial use – WILL change our DNA! This is exactly how the vaccine is supposed to work.

Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is doing an admirable job of updating us as to the state of vaccine trials and vaccine types at Children’s Health Defense. We highly recommend readers stay in close touch with his site. Kennedy only deals in peer reviewed science, i.e. that which can be used in a court of law.

The report below by science journalist Peter Andrews notes how concerned the EU is over liability for damage. As revealed in another Reuters report, the EU is indeed bothered about this liability, although probably in monetary terms only and not in terms of our health. Of note: ‘The EU’s negotiations with Johnson & Johnson are among the most advanced but have yet to conclude amid a back-and-forth over how to share liability costs if the potential vaccine showed unexpected side-effects, two of the officials told Reuters.’

Taxpayers, of course, will be footing the bill for what will be inevitable, nasty side effects of the vaccines, including death.


Bubble indemnity: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects of Covid vaccine


A senior executive for pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has confirmed that his company cannot face legal action for any potential side effects caused by its Covid vaccine. Those affected will have no legal recourse.

AstraZeneca is one of 25 pharmaceutical companies worldwide already testing their Covid vaccines on humans, in preparation for injecting hundreds of millions of people. These are flush times for Britain’s largest pharmaceutical company, worth something in the order of £70 million. They have just reported bumper profits of $12.6 billion in the last six months alone.

Bubble indemnity: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects of Covid vaccine

But despite its healthy balance sheet, AstraZeneca is unwilling to be held responsible for any potential side effects of its ‘hopeful’ vaccine candidate. In other words, the company is completely protected, or indemnified, against lawsuits from people who are injected with their vaccine and experience negative effects, regardless of how severe or long-lasting they are.

The firm’s lawyers have demanded that clauses to that effect be put in their contracts with the countries AstraZeneca has agreed to supply with its Covid vaccine. The company says that, without such guarantees of indemnity, they would not be incentivised to produce the drug. And it seems most of the countries have ceded to this demand.

Done in the national interest?

Ruud Dobber, a senior AstraZeneca executive, told Reuters:

“In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest’’.

For “national interest,” read “government interest.” Whether what is happening is good for the actual people of vaccinated countries is, to put it very mildly, an open question.

Dobber refused to name the countries which have placed orders for the firm’s vaccine, although many major western democracies are likely to be on the list. The UK government has been on a vaccine spending spree, buying 250 million doses from various Big Pharma outfits. America, meanwhile, is way ahead of the curve here – they have a special legal framework in which no pharmaceutical companies face lawsuits for side effects of vaccines in case of ‘public health emergencies’. This legislation, known as the PREP Act, was the product of a massive lobbying effort from the US pharmaceutical industry, and was introduced despite vigorous opposition from consumer groups. Unless the vaccine maker intentionally murders or injures you – willful misconduct – you cannot sue them.

As senior EU officials told Reuters this week, they are locking horns with the vaccine manufacturers over price, payment timelines and, above all, liability. That no one wants to be stuck with liability is hardly surprising. Pump a population full of an experimental vaccine to ‘immunise’ them against a disease that is harmless to most people, and then be held accountable for the consequences? I don’t think so. Big Pharma executives do not earn the seven-figure salaries they do for falling into traps like that.

Dobber also added: “This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects.” Oh… okay then. So who does take on the responsibility then? The WHO? Pull the other one. Politicians? Don’t make me laugh. No one? Gotcha. (ER: we take issue with Dobber’s phrase, ‘this is a unique situation’. Big Pharma is well practiced at producing shoddy vaccines. This is merely an excuse.)

Who pays?

Because there is a virtual guarantee that, in a major vaccination programme, some people will be harmed or even killed by the vaccine, some countries have set up special public funds to pay compensation to those affected. The WHO supports this model of taxpayer-funded damages for vaccine claimants.

The US has such a fund, as do many European countries including the UK, Germany, Sweden and Italy. It might be worth looking up the relevant system in your own country if you are worried about taking the vaccine. One thing is certain though: when it comes to Covid-19, private capital have decided that they want nothing to do with the long-term consequences of their vaccinations.


Major Red Flag: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects of Covid vaccine

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