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The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.

Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality…However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.

COVID trauma-based mind control

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?”  (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)

The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.

The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.

For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.


The government and media messaging about the “pandemic” was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign.  News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc.  No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate.  The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.

In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey.  They follow orders.  They sleep-walk.  They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.

A nation asleep.  A world asleep.

—This would be the time for a political leader to step forward and address the people, in order to wake them up—first, by directing them to look around and see the unconscionable economic and, therefore, human wreckage.

This leader, this president, would describe in sufficient detail the horrendous situation: job loss, business closures, bankruptcies, suicides, murders, broken families.  The national engine of production, shut down.  The “cure worse than the disease.”  Far worse.

Then the leader would rally the nation with a plan for recovery.  This would be a further wake-up call.  For example, for a start, the creation of a million jobs, to repair the crumbling national infrastructure.  Roads, highways, bridges, canals.

Trauma and paralysis need “a reverse vector.”  Supplied with great energy and conviction.

We see none of that.  Political leaders are mainly timid and brainless—when they aren’t forcing more restrictive measures on the people.

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump.  Is he waking up the country?  Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people?  Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.”  A leader who doesn’t lead.  A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual.  That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome.  People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors.  Loyalty.  Even a perverse love.

Why?  Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.

Therefore, their leaders must be right.  They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right.  Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme.  The government prescription seems to be: WAIT.  Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

All in all, many people are subconsciously asking this question: would I rather wake up and therefore see the mass insanity all around me, or would I prefer to stay asleep and follow orders and pretend that is the best course of action?  They choose the second option.

Waking up means the individual is living life at a new and different level.  It means seeing the truth.  It’s the first step to coming up with a strategy for dealing with the reality that has been imposed.

Not waking up means living in a state of conformity, accepting official statements and orders, following those orders, fitting in, acting normal, adjusting, behaving according to stimulus-response.

Re quarantine, isolation, social distancing, wearing masks:  “We did not know what the Russian [brainwashing] procedures were, but it seemed that they were producing some peculiar changes of attitude. How? One possible factor was perceptual isolation and we concentrated on that.”  (Donald Hebb, Sensory Deprivation: A Symposium Held at Harvard Medical School. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1961)

John Q Citizen would say: “But I have to believe the quarantines, the isolation, the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks…they’re all happening so we can contain the virus.  If I stop believing that, things would look very different.  And I don’t want thing to look very different.”

Re the use of fake official science as mind control: “Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality…However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.”  (Edward Hunter, Brainwashing. New York: Pyramid Books. 1956)

Re the recruitment of citizens to operate as contact tracers in a wide-ranging program: “Brainwashing is defined as an observable set of transactions between a charismatically-structured collectivity and an isolated agent of the collectivity with the goal of transforming the agent into a deployable agent.”  (Thomas Robbins, Benjamin David Zablocki, Misunderstanding Cults, 2001)


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