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We survived this lot. Maybe we can survive lockdowns and ongoing economic attack too!

The U.S. government planned to boil the oceans of planet earth.

A bakelite phone rang, there was no polite ‘hello’ – the line crackled, caused by radioactive radical muons and other as-yet-uncategorized fission particles streaming at light speed through the ten-feet-thick concrete walls of the bunker-laboratory… 

“If the temperature of a detonation was high enough, Mr Oppenheimer, nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere would fuse, releasing energy. Ignition of atmospheric nitrogen might cause hydrogen in the oceans to fuse….”

Robert Oppenheimer sucked on his pipe and twiddled his Hindu meditation beads “You mean ‘explode’, not just ‘fuse’?” [silent pause]…

“Yes, sir, that’s what I mean – it could trigger a chain reaction which would boil the oceans and evaporate the entire atmosphere of planet earth”… 

Oppenheimer fidgeted with the slide rule which had been a gift from Einstein…

“What, er, what… Can you tell me, er, is the equivalent force of the explosion in terms of tons of TNT?”



“Well, Sir, um… The explosive power – would be equivalent to 15 million tons of TNT”…

Oppenheimer picked up the bronze statue of KALI, the Hindu god of destruction and said “Do it!”.

Get CHRIS EVERARD’s digital book by clicking here https://gumroad.com/l/XLpwz this digital book is fully illustrated with many colour images, diagrams, documents & photos. You can read it on any iPhone, Android, tablet, iPad, Mac or PC. You can zoom the text and Word Search.

It’s not just about atom bombs… It’s about ALIENS…

A series of highly destructive atomic explosions climaxed in July 1962, when Oppenheimer’s team executed “Starfish Prime” – a hydrogen bomb explosion 240 miles up in the atmosphere that was 100 times stronger than Hiroshima and created an artificial ‘Northern Lights’ aurora 4,000 miles away over Australia!

…But why would Oppenheimer BOMB THE ATMOSPHERE?

THE REAL DOCTOR STRANGELOVES gives you page after page after page of chilling FACTS about the maniacal plans of Oppenheimer, Edward Teller and a man who would later found JET PROPULSION LABS – a man who baptised himself as the ARMILUSS – the Jewish version of the Christian ANTICHRIST – yes – this man was in charge of billions of dollars of tax payers money at JPL and NASA!

Oppenheimer knew EXACTLY what he was doing. By the time StarFish Prime exploded, he had already realised that ALIENS – yes, aliens – were attracted to planet earth by these potentially catastrophic atomic bombs.

In fact, in June of 1947, Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer wrote a TOP SECRET six page document entitled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestrial Bodies”. It was for the eyes of the President of the United States – and his eyes only.

This six-page document is one of the first to refer to ‘biological extraterrestrial entities’ [EBE’s] and states that the presence of ALIENS is something accepted by the military for a long time.

It has never been investigated on mainstream media – but is central to the research in CHRIS EVERARD’s digital book THE REAL DOCTOR STRANGELOVES – if you enjoyed Chris Everard’s book ‘DEEP STATE’, then it is essential you read THE REAL DOCTOR STRANGELOVES.

CHRIS EVERARD’S books are DELIVERED TODAY – that’s right – they are delivered via email complete with page after page of beautiful full colour photos, old maps, diagrams and documents.

THE REAL DOCTOR STRANGELOVES is 100% factual and true – much of what you will read in this book has never been published in the public domain.

THE REAL DOCTOR STRANGELOVES is fully illustrated with more than 150 colour images, diagrams, documents & photos. You can read it on any iPhone, Android, tablet, iPad, Mac or PC. It will be digitally delivered instantly when you order-click here to see 5-star reviews and to order https://gumroad.com/l/XLpwz

CHRIS EVERARD’S BOOKS are published in association with FYB magazine and are available from on his GumRoad Bookstore – enter his bookstore by clicking here : https://gumroad.com/chriseverard

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