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#ExposeBillGates Explodes On Twitter

Bill Gates

14 June, 2020 by Niamh Harris

#ExposeBillGates has been exploding on twitter since Saturday following a planned day of action arranged by alternative media organizations and activist groups.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused much speculation about the billionaire philanthropist over his support for extended lockdown measures, his huge contributions to the World Health Organization and his past comments on vaccines.

Gates recently said the world would need as many as 14 billions doses of a vaccine to stop the coronavirus. He claimed “in order to stop the pandemic, we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet.

RT reports: “The public is finally waking up. I’ve never liked this guy and if you really listen to him talk and watch his interviews you’ll know he DOESN’T have our best interest in mind,” author Peter Vooogd tweeted on Saturday. It was one of the many tweets linked to the #ExposeBillGates hashtag, which itself stemmed from a planned “day of action” — announced by author Derrick Broze last month — to expose the billionaire.

Peter Voogd


The public is finally waking up. I’ve never liked this guy and if you really listen to him talk and watch his interviews you’ll know he DOESNT have our best interest in mind ?

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Today is the day of action. The first day the silent majority stands up around the world & speaks in one voice that we no longer believe their lies. That WE, as free human beings, forge our own path & demand accountability to the people, starting with Bill Gates. https://twitter.com/TLAVagabond/status/1270788198193672199 


Please take a moment & read the fantastic Bill Gates series written by @DBrozeLiveFree that I feel was the primary reason TLAV fell under attack. See what they clearly don’t what you to see. Part 2 can be found at the end of the article. #ExposeBillGates https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/bill-gates-web-dark-money-influence-part-1-philanthropic-narrative-shaping/ 

Other tweets included a video blasting Gates for his outspokenness on Covid-19 despite not being an elected official, as well as his support of extending lockdown measures across the world.

Obianuju Ekeocha


I see that is trending.

I’m heartened by this bcos I’ve followed his wife’s work in Africa for almost 10years and I’ve been trying to expose their population control agenda in Africa.
I wrote about them in my book “Target Africa”. Read it!

These people hate us.

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Others promised to never take any vaccine Gates has involvement with, including conservative author Michelle Malkin.


I will NOT be taking any vaccine pushed by Bill Gates or his cronies.

The vaccine is unlikely to be effective against Covid-19 and it is being rushed through so it will NOT be tested for adverse side effects.

Vax Bill Gates, his family & his cronies first.

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Though conspiracy theories about Gates are based more on conjecture than hard evidence, they have caught on with the public.

Gates’ standing in the world has only increased since the pandemic began, which likely feeds many of the conspiracy theorists untrusting of him. With the US backing out of support for the World Health Organization, he is set to become the group’s largest contributor, a fact that worries many as the Microsoft founder is a private citizen who could theoretically carry a lot of power during global situations.

Source: https://newspunch.com/exposebillgates-explodes-on-twitter/

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