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Vaccination and Health Study in Germany: The Omitted Data

1 June, 2020  James Herer

In 2009, Angelika Müller (Kögel-Schauz) published an evaluation of an extensive study called KiGGS in Germany by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) examining the physical and psychological health of 17,641 children and youths between the ages of 0 and 17 years. But in the study, RKI did not include the vaccination result. For a price of 90 EUR, Angelika Müller obtained a copy of the entire raw data (26 million items) of the study that helped her come up with these very important findings related to vaccination and its connection to epidemic of allergies and chronic diseases in German children.

Through her evaluation of the RKI study, she concluded:

“The survey data of the KiGGS-study repeatedly provides proof that vaccine-free children are in every respect healthier than vaccinated children. The effects of the vaccine ingredients and in particular the adverse effects of some of the highly toxic additives provide a logical explanation for this finding.”

Being a passionate researcher and lecturer about vaccination in Germany, Müller have learned so many vital information regarding vaccine-related allergies occurring since the 90’s. This is some of her important discoveries:

“In 1997, an experienced homeopathic doctor told me at the first ‘Vaccine Critics Conference’ I had organized that accounts of hay fever only appeared after the introduction of smallpox vaccination and that historical research has shown that wherever vaccinations were carried out, epidemics of allergies followed (Dr. med. Arthur L. Braun, “Heuschnupfen und Impfung – Ein Beitrag zur Ursachenforschung der Allergie”, 1. Impfkritiker-Konferenz 19 & 20 April 1997). Dr. med. Gerhard Buchwald has also referred to the historical connection between vaccinations and allergies in his book ‘Impfen – Das Geschäft mit der Angst‘ – ‘Vaccination – A Business Based On Fear‘.”

She also stated that vaccines in Germany contain various questionable additives such as preservatives, detergents that can be found in washing powders and antibiotics. Explaining about how these additives are being administered at that time, she stated:

“There were 1,779 children in the study who had received more than 30 vaccinations, mostly via combination injections, in the course of their life. On average, the children and youths between the age of 10 and 17 years had been injected with close to 23 vaccinations.”

She also expressed her own knowledge by explaining how doctors ignore adverse reactions from vaccines by pointing out the so-called “brain-related cry”, a high pitch cry expressed by infants after vaccination. If children exhibit this kind of behavior in safety trials, she said, they are then immediately removed from the study. She continued:

“I know from accounts of severe vaccine injuries that mothers remarked on this high pitched, inconsolable screaming that goes on for hours, yet on being informed of this, doctors quite often accuse the mother of being hysterical and continue to vaccinate. This is a serious medical error! Every package insert mentions that vaccination should be discontinued in case of an adverse reaction. After the second or third vaccination, epileptic fits tend to occur.”

Through the observation by Dr. Buchwald in the book mentioned, Müller explained that vaccines also cause impairment on the optical nerves resulting to visual damage. This in fact is even listed as an adverse reaction on the package insert of the vaccine product. She then stated:

“It is therefore not surprising that vaccine-free children are less likely to need glasses than vaccinated children. It is also not uncommon for people to suddenly become blind after a vaccination, in the absence of an obvious cause apart from the preceding vaccination. Vaccinated children are more likely to have glasses, suffer more often from attention deficit disorder and are three times more often in need of speech therapy.”

Talking about how pharmaceutical companies further profit from these adverse reactions with regards to the result of the RKI study, she said:

“The data showed that susceptibility to infections increases as a result of vaccinations, regardless of whether they are infections involving the stomach and intestinal tract, or simple colds. The more vaccinations, the more susceptible to infections the children became.

This effect can be explained with the added stress vaccinations impose on the immune system, resulting in a weakened immune system and consequently a heightened susceptibility to infections. This in turn provides the medical-pharmaceutical industry with additional profits from the sale of drugs to treat them.”

With her sincere and honest evaluation, she also found out that:

  • Vaccinated children and youths are at a significantly higher risk of pneumonia and inner ear infections because the immune system is harmed by vaccinations
  • Over 5% of vaccinated children suffer from an abnormal curvature of the spine, while in vaccine-free children no scoliosis was found.
  • About 10 out of 100 children who have not been vaccinated against the disease get measles, while 6 out of 100 children who have been vaccinated against measles get the disease. Similar results can be observed with mumps and rubella.

More comprehensive and updated information concerning the evaluation of the KiGGS-study and other issues can be found on her homepage: www.efi-online.de

We suggest that you read the full text of her evaluation translated by Erwin Alber here:

Recommended videos from VINE (Vaccination Information Network):



Featured image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2cc5J7vlOg

Source: https://www.weblyf.com/2020/06/vaccination-and-health-study-in-germany-the-omitted-data/


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