Officers and devolved ministers have accused Number 10 of mixed messaging (PA)

It comes as National Police Chiefs’ Council chairman Martin Hewitt said that the two-metre social distancing is not enshrined in law.

He told Sky News that it is “not a policing role” to enforce two-metre social distancing – insisting it’s an “individual responsibility”.

“We are not in a position to police the two-metre social distancing.”

Londoners – here’s an amazing life hack that will help you completely avoid the stress of maintaining the 2 metre rule on the tube or the bus. Throw off the yoke of London’s unreliable and expensive public transport, get out your bike and feel the freedom of making your way to your destination under your own steam.
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You’ll save yourself a small fortune, reclaim wasted hours, get to work on time, do your health a power of good (not least by avoiding coronavirus and all the other nasties your fellow passengers may be harbouring) and improve your quality of life immeasurably. All without being forced to travel in close proximity with others, getting fleeced for the dubious privilege, having to endure bus jams, strikes, signal failures, severe delays and an abysmal service, subject yourself to inhumane travel conditions, or moan uselessly and pathetically to your mates on twitter (or here) about your poor transport choices. There’s never been a better time to dust down your bike and start using it…
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I watched PMQs. Starmer could be playing a constructive role in monitoring what the Government is doing and why and how effective it is or isn’t – but he is devoted to the wholly destructive Gotcha politics and distortions. Starmer is either innumerate or deliberately distorts – take your pick. His claim today was that the UK has the worst result in Europe. That is just NOT TRUE. The only number on which a country can be judged eventually is cases/deaths per million of population – where we rank 4th (Not a good result but not on the podium of failure). Spain has a much smaller population than the UK, Italy a smaller population. Just quoting the numbers is meaningless. The USA has many more deaths than the UK but the USA’s population is 5 times greater. Even Starmer would not claim the USA was a worse performer than the UK. These things matter – Starmer is deliberately distorting or innumerate.
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As far as major countries are concerned, Britain’s Covid-19 death rate is only topped by Spain’s. And that’s down to #GenocideJohnson, his craven cronies, his shady unelected puppetmaster and their genocidal herd immunity strategy…
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Londoners – here’s an amazing life hack that will help you completely avoid the stress of maintaining the 2 metre rule on the tube or the bus. Throw off the yoke of London’s unreliable and expensive public transport, get out your bike and feel the freedom of making your way to your destination under your own steam. You’ll save yourself a small fortune, reclaim wasted hours, get to work on time, do your health a power of good (not least by avoiding coronavirus and all the other nasties your fellow passengers may be harbouring) and improve your quality of life immeasurably. All without being forced to travel in close proximity with others, getting fleeced for the dubious privilege, having to endure bus jams, strikes, signal failures, severe delays and an abysmal service, subject yourself to inhumane travel conditions, or moan uselessly and pathetically to your mates on twitter (or here) about your poor transport choices. There’s never been a better time to dust down your bike and start using it…
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Therefore all fines and convictions of not being 2 metres apart will be nullified?