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Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy


Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, and other like-minded medical professionals, have launched Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy. A new initiative to organise those who, based on years of experience and their own research, do not believe Covid19 is anything like the “threat” it is constantly presented as.

Below is an abridged version of their statement [full version here]:

Dear like-minded colleagues in other countries, we would like to share with you how our German initiative under the leadership of Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi came about.

We joined together as a manageable group of like-minded people from the above-mentioned professional groups, including in particular people who have already attracted attention in society, in the media, on the Internet, e.g. on YouTube, with their critical comments on the topic of “excessive containment measures in COVID-19”. The people involved appreciated very much joining forces as a group.

Physicians and professional health care workers, as well as scientists, are most trusted when it comes to health issues. Freedom and democracy are intimately connected to health, because these aspects play a crucial role for the well being of the individual, and therefore also for his or her health.

As committed people from these professional groups join forces and, for example, found an association, they can work together to inform and educate people and thus also contribute to the formation of opinions by political decision-makers.

A medical colleague experienced in founding associations pointed out to us that it would be helpful if a newly founded association, at least initially, was limited to a not too large number of people. This would give keep the association flexible and manageable with regard to organisational work load (We all still have our usually quite busy day job).

These initiatives can then inform the public via their website and a YouTube channel (e.g. post a position paper on COVID-19) and can attract like-minded supporters through the website, and keep them up to date on further actions via e-mail newsletters.

Especially with regard to the, in our opinion, completely excessive measures to contain the “COVID-19 pandemic”, which, according to the findings of the renowned Prof. John Ioannidis, Stanford University, is comparable in its dangerousness, reflected in the “mortality rate”, with a viral flu caused by influenza viruses, our request to speak is more than necessary to reassure and educate the people in our respective countries.

There will be enough other topics, such as the impending compulsory vaccination etc., which will ask for further public statements and commitment on our part.

Therefore this is also a project for the future, the future of a better, fairer, healthier world in freedom and peace of the countries and peoples of this earth.

The MWGFD will continue to make its voice heard through information campaigns on various other issues, wherever it sees health, freedom and democracy threatened by political aberrations.

Aims of the MWGFD:

  1. Critical observation of social and political developments concerning health, freedom and democracy for the best possible protection of these values.
  2. Obtaining competent evaluations on the basis of science and evidence.
  3. Information of the broadest possible audience on various topics, independent of the public media.
  4. Establishment of the largest possible network of like-minded people throughout Germany.

We are currently a small association in Germany and have only limited time resources. So we can by no means react promptly to a flood of e-mails.

Therefore, our suggestion: If you want to found such a group in your country, then take such or similar steps.

Later on we can communicate with each other by e-mail contact@mshfd.org.

Good luck and success for your initiative!

You can read their full statement here, their “position paper” here and there are versions of the website in both French and German.
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