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Brexit by December – Minford.

Get Britain Out hopes you are all well and keeping yourselves safe.

With Brexit finally back on the agenda and the high-level conference between the United Kingdom and the European Union expected to take place in early June, you would think Michel Barnier, the EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator (and the rest of those in the EU) would by now have understood the urgency required for talks to properly move forward. Well you would be wrong. The EU still refuses to listen to any level of reasonable argument from the UK side. Instead, they are still insisting on the same old demands for a ‘Level Playing Field’ – effectively tying us into the EU’s rules and regulations and totally unchanged access to our waters – as if we are still full members of the European Union and not an independent sovereign nation.

This failure to comprehend the UK’s negotiating position comes despite the UK’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, David Frost, spelling out the hypocrisies in the EU’s proposals and the reasons behind the UK’s demands for control over our own borders, laws, money and waters. Strangely, Barnier responded to Frost by mainly criticising the tone of the UK’s position and then claiming the EU and the UK are equally sovereign. This is a ridiculous suggestion when one party is a country with a Head of State and centuries of history and the other (the EU) is simply a collaboration of Member States based around an economic and political union. If this doesn’t clearly demonstrate the EU’s own grand delusions, then nothing will. The full exchange of letters can be read in the links at the end of this e-Bulletin.

With the EU now appearing to refuse to move forward constructively, it is more important than ever for the Government and Prime Minister Boris Johnson to keep to their promise of refusing any extension to the Transition Period, meaning we will Leave the EU – Deal or No Deal – on December 31st, 2020. If we fail to do this, we will tie the UK into at least another year of EU regulations and having to send AT LEAST £1 billion a month to Brussels. This amount is before we get another bill from Brussels trying to make us foot the bill for their COVID-19 recovery!

Before we go any further – and this is very important:

Get Britain Out is very very appreciative for the donations we receive, especially after our last e-Bulletin, as we are trying to continue the campaign until the end of the Transition Period at the end of December 2020. Unlike many campaigns would have you believe, supported by the billionaire-backed Remain-biased media, this Transition Period is not Brexit. We still have to fight our way through the faults with the Withdrawal Agreement, as well as the Political Declaration – which the EU is attempting to treat as Law. Other Brexit campaigns have already shut up shop. So, along with my small team at Get Britain Out, we are working harder than ever to make sure Brexit is still on the agenda and the voices of Britons and Brexiteers are heard. Get Britain Out has always been a ‘free to use’ campaign, but at this time, we really need some regular financial assistance to help to deliver a true Brexit in these final 7 months until the end of the year, to reflect what we voted for nearly 4 years ago.

These are tough times I know, but please can I ask you to dig deep into your pockets – perhaps with a regular donation for these final months – so we can continue to run Get Britain Out until the end of this year (and yes, I do appreciate not all of you cannot afford to do so). This is really important for our Global Future.

In Parliament this week we have seen some progress towards Brexit being delivered. The post-Brexit Agriculture, Trade and Immigration Bills have thankfully all passed through their preliminary phases of Parliament this week. Now we have to wait another 2 weeks at least for these Bills to pass their remaining phases, as both Houses of Parliament are on yet another Recess until June 2nd… At this crucial time, you would think passing vital Bills into Law would be a bit more of a priority!

Meanwhile, while the Immigration Bill is moving through Parliament, we have seen a ridiculous situation in the English Channel being exposed, with French Naval vessels clearly being shown on the news escorting migrants’ small vessels directly into UK waters from France, instead of trying to intervene and return them back to where they launched their boats. The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has reportedly been raising this issue on a regular basis with her French counterpart – it seems to no avail – despite the fact we are now funding French patrols along the coast. This is a situation which cannot continue and the Home Office must increase their stance. How else will we stop these boats making the dangerous journey across the Channel and for these migrants to increase dependence on our generous social welfare system, and on our already stretched NHS?

After much pressure from Get Britain Out over the last month it seems the Department for International Trade has now gone into overdrive, with trade talks with the United States of America now hitting their stride and new talks between the UK and Japan underway. Finally, the Government published their new ‘UK Global Tariff’ this week, which will determine how much it will cost to import certain goods into the UK – and in many cases, it will mean cheaper imports. We will make sure we keep up the pressure as these talks need to continue at a rapid pace – especially with the USA – because the upcoming Presidential election will be taking place in November. Should President Donald Trump lose, then Joe Biden has shown himself to be far more anti-UK, which could clearly cause talks to slow down.

While international free trade will be key to the UK’s growth after Brexit, we must also make sure we are not dependent on foreign imports, especially on those from China, which is still demonstrating they are untrustworthy to the international community. This has led to the Government setting up ‘Project Defend’ this week, which aims to avoid a reliance on hostile foreign nations. This will be led by the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, but it MUST not limit its assessment to trade, but any cooperation we have with China on security matters, for example, the involvement of Huawei in the building of the UK’s 5G network.

Back in the UK – and with such a lack of progress in the Brexit negotiations – the Government are finally re-starting preparations for a World Trade Organisation No Deal exit from the EU again, with staff who had been assigned to dealing with COVID-19 now being moved back to No Deal preparations.

One area which needs much more attention by the Government is about UK citizens’ rights abroad. In the Withdrawal Agreement it was agreed the EU committed to protecting the rights of the 1.2 million UK citizens who live in EU Member States, like France and Spain. However, the EU has categorically failed to sort this out, with hundreds of thousands of Britons abroad left without any clarity after the end of this year. Remember when Remainers said it was Brexiteers playing games with citizens’ rights? The Government must do more to pressure the EU and Member States on this issue, which is why Get Britain Out’s Director, Jayne Adye, has this week written to The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove MP, on this very issue to ask him for clarity. The letter can be read in the links at the end of this e-Bulletin.


While letters from our Director are important, it is important MPs and the Government see the Great British Public really care about these issues. This is why we have two template letters for you to send.

  1. The first is a letter to Michael Gove MP on the matter of UK citizens’ rights in the EU and why the Government must do more. – The letter can be read and downloaded here.

In order to send this, you simply need to download and print off the document, fill in the date, sign your name and please make sure you include your address. Then stamp and post the letter to this address:

The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
The Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
London, SW1A 2AS

This could also be sent by e-Mail, but please remember it is best to include it in the e-Mail content, rather than as an attachment, as they don’t usually get through the security systems. The 2 e-Mail addresses to send to are: michael.gove.mp@parliament.uk and
  1. The second is a letter to your own local MP asking them to read an article we have published on our Website. This covers the vital issue of the EU still trying to keep control over the UK military after we Leave the EU. It is vital more MPs are made aware of this crucial issue and then raise the matter with the Government themselves.The letter can be read and downloaded here.

For this letter, again you need to print it off, fill in the date and sign your name and please make sure you include your address.

In order to find out who your local MP is and what address to send the letter to you can go to this link

Then, of course, stamp the envelope and post.

We appreciate these actions can be a little time-consuming. However, these are critical issues which must not be ignored by the Government and our MPs, so your help is requested.



That’s all for this e-Bulletin. I hope you all have a very good Bank Holiday weekend.

Thank you for your ongoing support which is very much appreciated.

Best wishes from Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team at Get Britain Out – and keep yourselves safe.

Please don’t forget, we really need your help with donations for the next 7 months as I have explained above, to make sure we secure the best Brexit for the United Kingdom.

We of course, appreciate all the help many of you have already given to the campaign. However, we are in the final few months of pushing for a good Brexit to be delivered and now, more than ever – with other campaigns closing up shop – every penny counts.

Without your support we cannot continue to run our campaign to keep up the pressure on the Government to listen to the will of the Great British Public. The Remain campaigns are ongoing with their billionaire donors and massive commercial backers. If we don’t have an ongoing voice to fight for Brexit, we will end up with the Remain agenda once again dominating and perhaps even trying to reverse the EU Referendum result, giving no voice for the millions who voted to Leave.

We understand these are hard times, but for the next 7 months, if you could spare any extra money on a regular basis to keep this campaign going and to make sure there is still a strong voice for Brexit which will speak up for you, then please donate whatever you can.

Donations can be made via bank transfer, bank standing order, cheque or PayPal – all the details are HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: Cheques should be payable to The EU Referendum Campaign Limited and not Get Britain Out.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations (unless via PayPal) – or foreign currency cheques. With such a small team, we cannot personally thank all of those who donate to the campaign, but your contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like an acknowledgement, please let me have your e-mail address (or write it on the back of your cheque.

P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people. There are many who still want more information.
Anyone not already signed up for our free fortnightly e-Bulletins can do so HERE.

Remember, you can also get daily information and comments, plus press links, via our social media Facebook and Twitter.  There are also daily links to Brexit press articles on our website (once my staff are in the office Monday to Friday) via this link HERE. For updates on our Recommended Reading, you can find them via this link HERE.

Huge thanks again to everyone for your help and support. GET BRITAIN OUT will continue to fight to try and make sure we get the best result from our Leaving the EU, as well as a Free Trade Deal with our close neighbours in the EU if possible – or we will Leave with No Deal on WTO terms – as well as being free to trade with countries around the world – for our UNITED KINGDOM’S GLOBAL FUTURE.

Best wishes, as always, Jayne

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