What Did You Do In The War?

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

There is no doubt that the world is full of a good many bizarre and unsupportable claims and notions. Trying to pick your way through the quagmire of claims, counter-claims and general nonsense is harder than it has ever been.

The basic problem, of course, is that governments and official sounding organisations have been lying, deceiving and manipulating since the coronavirus first emerged from hiding and yelled `boo’.

All honesty has gone out of the window. Governments have lied, distorted truths and threatened us with the full authority of the law if we question their orders.

I’ve been writing about medical matters for a long, long time and I am pretty well accustomed to the fact that governments and official bodies hide truths, suppress facts and spout a lot of nonsense to keep us all looking in the wrong direction so that they can carry on deceiving us.

But I have never known anything like this.

These days the world’s governments and the major global organisations have taken things one stage further by employing people to take down information they don’t like, whether it is true or not, to spread confusion and bewilderment along with the fears, and to put up false information to mislead and to guide us into deadly traps. The British Government even has a part of the British Army, the 77th Brigade, spying on its citizens and protecting the Government line. Exactly what are they doing, I wonder? Are they taking down material that doesn’t fit the official line, even if it’s true, or sneering at those trying to provide solid, honest information? Are they using our taxes to plant misinformation and fake news? I don’t have the foggiest. Is this really what the soldiers of the 77th Brigade joined the army to do? Don’t they realise that by suppressing the truth and suppressing debate they are endangering their own lives and their families’ lives?

YouTube apparently now has a policy to censor doctors or scientists who disagree with the view of the World Health Organisation. Putting aside the difficulty I find in knowing exactly what the view of the WHO might be at any one time, this blanket endorsement of an organisation which I find rather iffy to say the least seems to me to be terrifying. The WHO recommended wholesale quarantine and lockdowns which resulted in the civil rights of billions of citizens being removed. Moreover, the WHO policy will result in more deaths than Covid-19.

The BBC seems to have become addicted to spreading what is now called `fear porn’ – using government propaganda to terrify people into submitting to whatever lunatic ideas are currently in vogue. Since government advice changes regularly, so the advice given by the media changes too. The result is confusion and more bewilderment. Should face masks be worn, for example? And if so by whom and when and where? Ofcom, the UK’s broadcasting watchdog has advised broadcasters that they must exercise extreme caution when broadcasting statements that seek to question or undermine the advice of public health bodies on the coronavirus or otherwise undermine people’s trust in the advice of mainstream sources of information.’

Since the public health bodies and mainstream sources of information have all been provably wrong about the coronavirus – right from the start and in almost every respect – the public have been officially prevented from hearing the truth!

I don’t consider myself as being involved in social media at all – I’m just a retired doctor and a book author – so I can say this: I’ve worked extensively for national newspapers and TV stations round the world and I can tell you that the best researchers, writers and broadcasters are currently working online – and not in main stream media. The main stream media is a disgrace.

The whole question of the virus is of vital interest to us all – including those employed by the Government.

The main stream media, both print and broadcasting, has been bought – either by governments or by private individuals or organisations – and so any attempts to provide an alternative view, to question the official, party line or to discuss contentious issues will be banned. There is no longer any freedom of speech.

And things are getting worse by the day.

Numerous private pressure groups, charities and so on are constantly demanding that material which offers a point of view which they consider unacceptable be removed from the internet – as well as from the main stream media.

And so there are pressure groups demanding that anyone who dares to question the claims of those who believe that our climate is changing should be silenced. Main stream media has already been silenced but now these pressure groups want the internet prefects to remove any videos or articles which offer a point of view which does not agree with their own.

They probably don’t see it as censorship – they just see it as getting their own way and silencing the opposition.

But it’s the sort of thing that fascists have favoured even since Mussolini woke up one morning, had breakfast couldn’t think of anything better to do, and invented fascism.

Amazingly, big commercial advertisers have got in on the act. They too want information to be suppressed if it doesn’t agree with their corporate policies. And so recently we had the bizarre sight of Volkswagen, fresh from being caught cheating on its emission tests, and endangering the lives of millions, withdrawing its advertising in an attempt to police the internet. If they don’t stop doing that I shall be tempted to remind the world that the Volkswagen beetle was designed by Adolf Hitler.

The game has changed.

And the problem is that suppressing free speech and silencing debate simply leads to more conspiracy theories, more false information and more confusion.

Some of the stuff I have read in the last day or two has been startling – to say the least. And yet untangling the truth from the fiction is extraordinarily difficult. For example, weeks ago I found a site called deagel.com which contains a forecast for 2025. The site suggests that by 2025 the population of the USA will have fallen from 326 million to 99 million and that by 2025 the population of the UK will have fallen from 65 million to 14 million. The site tells us that the population of China and Russia will be much the same as they are but that Germany will have fallen from 80 million to 28 million and that Australia will, in just five years, have gone from 23 million to 15 million.

These figures are both startling and terrifying.

A note at the bottom of the page informs readers that the information was obtained from a variety of institutions including the CIA and the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.

What the devil is going on? Can this really be true?

I have no idea.

It’s just one of many mysteries.

How accurate are the figures for 2025?

Your guess is as good as mine.

But if the CIA and the UN and the IMF really are providing these figures then they clearly know something we don’t know.

Albert Camus, the Nobel prize winning author of The Plague wrote that the only means to fight the plague is honesty – and although he was writing about a different plague, and a fictional one, his words ring loud and clear today.

The problem, of course, is that when you suppress truths you create a vacuum in which mysteries and conspiracies can thrive. We are being told to do as we are told by the State and not to trust anyone who disagrees. We are being told not to trust our neighbours but that we must trust people who are proven liars. We have lost all our civil rights and our natural, God given freedoms and we have lost our freedom of speech.

I can’t help wondering if the powers that be, the authorities who are both hiding the truth and suppressing debate, are not deliberately creating a climate in which conspiracies can grow.

Maybe they just want to confuse us.

Maybe they want to be able to feed us misinformation to build up our sense of fear.

Maybe they want to use misinformation to help them discredit those who are struggling to tell the truth – so that they can dismiss everything not on official, government press release as fictional.

How long will it be before all of those who question the official line are silenced?

I have no idea.

All I can tell you is that I will continue to try to find a way through the dense woods of information out there in order to provide honest, accurate appraisals of what is true.

And if I discover information which means that I change my mind – then I will tell you and explain why.

Meanwhile we live in a world where those who are in charge of the policing process are constantly trying to fill our minds with their propaganda.

Perhaps they want to encourage people to put up bizarre claims so that they can suppress everything – claiming that they are doing so to protect us.

And this, of course, is exactly what happens in a war.

Truth, as has always been said, is the first casualty of war.

And truth was certainly an early casualty of this war.

The Government and the mainstream media made sure of that.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again.

We’re fighting a war.

But, sadly, tragically, we are fighting a war against our own government and against most other governments in the world.

World War III has started – and it will be over before many people, the zombies, know it has even started.

Who would have ever thought it could come to this.

We all have to be prepared to answer the question: `What did you do in the war?’

Copyright Vernon Coleman July 4th 2020

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