EU Parliament Members Expose 5G Safety Authority Being Influenced by Telecom Industry [VIDEO]

ER Editor: So, the EU’s guiding 5G safety authority is not fit for purpose.

MEPs Michele Rivasi and Dr. Klaus Buchner have released a 98-page report written by Hans van Scharen detailing past and current members of this NGO, and their conflicts of interest.

The introduction to this new report references a short article in Microwave News from April of this year titled The Lies Must Stop – Disband ICNIRP. Facts Matter, Now More Than Ever, which details how certain members of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) have blatantly ignored published safety research on the dangers of 5G.

The ICNIRP is located on the the campus of the Helmholtz Centre Neuherberg at the German Radiation Protection Agency (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz), Oberschleissheim near Munich, Germany, and plays a guiding role to the EU. But it styles itself as international, being recognized and endorsed by the WHO.

Kudos to France’s Le Monde newspaper for picking up this story on June 19, 2020.

Such exposure is vital because, as these recent articles for (ICNIRP finds no health risk with 5G technologies) and The Guardian show, 5G confirmed safe by radiation watchdog, the ICNIRP has real clout in terms of public opinion.

Readers may also be interested in this 7-minute video from November, 2019, aptly titled ‘Ignore ICNIRP’:


EU Parliament Members Expose 5G Safety Authority Being Influenced by Telecom Industry


new report released by European Members of Parliments Michèle Rivasi (Europe Écologie) and Dr. Klaus Buchner (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei) accuses the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an organization many governments consider an authority on the safety of 5G and cell phone radiation, of being under the influence of the telecommunications industry and ignoring the science showing their harmful effects. 

The report written by Hans van Scharen and edited by Tomas Vanheste and Erik Lambert is entitled, “The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Conflicts of Interest, Corporate Capture and the Push for 5G.”

“We applaud European Members of Parliment Michèle Rivasi and Dr. Klaus Buchner, who bravely sponsored a new report exposing the corruption of the science of 5G and cell phone radiation. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection is a small, private organization found to be  ‘a closed circle of like-minded scientists,’ who have turned ICNIRP into a ‘self-indulgent science club, with a lack of biomedical expertise, as well as a lack of scientific expertise’ in specific risk assessments,” said Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust.

Scarato continued,

“Although  ICNIRP is recognized by the World Health Organization as an ‘independent scientific commission,’ the report concludes that it is a ‘closed, non-accountable and one-sided organization’ and ‘for really independent scientific advice, we cannot rely on ICNIRP. ‘ We agree that ‘The European Commission and national governments from countries like Germany should stop funding ICNIRP.  It is high time that the European Commission creates a new, public and fully independent advisory council on non-ionizing radiation.’”

Investigative research by Environmental Health Trust, Mona Nielsson, the Bioinitiative, Investigate Europe, Microwave News, Don Maisch PHD, AVAATE, the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association, and Dr. Lennart Hardell were referenced in the 98-page report.

The Major French newspaper Le Monde published an article on the investigation “5G: the impartiality of the committee which guides Europe to protect the population from the waves in question.” 

Download the new report, “The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Conflicts of Interest,  Corporate Capture and the Push for 5G” issued by Klaus Buchner and Michèle Rivasi.


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EU Parliament Members Expose 5G Safety Authority Being Influenced by Telecom Industry [VIDEO]
